

Shine in Challenging Times

Rely on our retirement insights and market perspectives to develop solutions to plan sponsor challenges.

Solving the Retirement Income Dilemma

We believe plan design is vital to the retirement income dialog. With an array of reported income sources, participants may benefit from advice to help put these pieces together into a cohesive retirement plan. 

Highlight from the brochure: Everyone’s Retirement Puzzle Pieces Are Different


Source: MFS 2023 Global Retirement Survey, US respondents, Q: Select all potential sources of retirement income in retirement. This question was only posed to respondents age 45+. Respondents could choose more than one response so responses will not total to 100%.

Revisiting the Role of Fixed Income: From Theory to Practice

As market declines have demonstrated, glide path design is critical for managing risk, particularly for participants near or in retirement.


MFS Mutual Funds: Built to lead in times of change

Explore funds that can help keep your clients moving forward.


MFS: 100 Years of Active Management

Our active investment platform — backed by a century of experience — uncovers opportunities to help millions of people and institutions build secure futures.


For 100 years, we've asked "what if?" in the best interests of our clients.

For more information on finding a silver lining,

talk to a relationship manager at 1-617-954-5000


2023 MFS Global Retirement Survey, US Results. Methodology: Dynata, an independent third-party research provider, conducted a study among 1,000 Defined Contribution (DC) plan participants in the US on behalf of MFS. MFS was not identified as the sponsor of the study. To qualify, DC plan participants had to be ages 18+, employed at least part-time, actively contributing to a 401(k), 403(b), 457, or 401(a). Data weighted to mirror the age gender distribution of the workforce. The survey was fielded between March 22 and April 6, 2023.

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