Daily Holdings

Active Value ETF

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Based on Market Value
CUSIP/SEDOL Ticker Securities
(on 03-13-25)
Shares or Par Amount Value Percent of Net Assets GICS Sectors

The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) was developed by and/or is the exclusive property of MSCI, Inc. and S&P Global Market Intelligence Inc. ("S&P Global Market Intelligence"). GICS is a service mark of MSCI and S&P Global Market Intelligence and has been licensed for use by MFS. MFS has applied its own internal sector/industry classification methodology for equity securities and non-equity securities that are unclassified by GICS.

743315103 PGR US PROGRESSIVE CORP 8,525.00 $2,381,885.00 5.01% Financials United States
46625H100 JPM US JPMORGAN CHASE + CO 8,506.00 $1,915,466.14 4.03% Financials United States
125523100 CI US THE CIGNAGROUP 5,110.00 $1,594,268.90 3.36% Health Care United States
58155Q103 MCK US MCKESSON CORP 2,398.00 $1,543,568.62 3.25% Health Care United States
26441C204 DUK US DUKE ENERGY CORP 11,144.00 $1,317,332.24 2.77% Utilities United States
30231G102 XOM US EXXON MOBIL CORP 11,988.00 $1,302,735.96 2.74% Energy United States
907818108 UNP US UNION PACIFIC CORP 5,110.00 $1,197,221.90 2.52% Industrials United States
166764100 CVX US CHEVRON CORP 7,317.00 $1,123,964.37 2.37% Energy United States
002824100 ABT US ABBOTT LABORATORIES 8,640.00 $1,122,249.60 2.36% Health Care United States
89417E109 TRV US TRAVELERSCOS INC/THE 4,369.00 $1,118,201.86 2.35% Financials United States
842587107 SO US SOUTHERN CO/THE 12,299.00 $1,102,359.37 2.32% Utilities United States
G0403H108 AON US AON PLC CLASS A 2,721.00 $1,072,618.20 2.26% Financials United States
75513E101 RTX US RTX CORP 8,155.00 $1,053,626.00 2.22% Industrials United States
571748102 MMC US MARSH + MCLENNAN COS 4,452.00 $1,023,692.88 2.15% Financials United States
641069406 NSRGY US NESTLE SASPONS ADR 10,005.00 $1,012,005.75 2.13% Consumer Staples Switzerland
00287Y109 ABBV US ABBVIE INC 4,699.00 $994,073.45 2.09% Health Care United States
032654105 ADI US ANALOG DEVICES INC 4,617.00 $940,944.60 1.98% Information Technology United States
097023105 BA US BOEING CO/THE 5,852.00 $932,340.64 1.96% Industrials United States
025816109 AXP US AMERICAN EXPRESS CO 3,584.00 $919,045.12 1.93% Financials United States
437076102 HD US HOME DEPOTINC 2,642.00 $917,434.50 1.93% Consumer Discretionary United States
617446448 MS US MORGAN STANLEY 8,012.00 $894,780.16 1.88% Financials United States
74340W103 PLD US PROLOGIS INC 7,847.00 $865,994.92 1.82% Real Estate United States
20825C104 COP US CONOCOPHILLIPS 9,001.00 $865,806.19 1.82% Energy United States
G1151C101 ACN US ACCENTUREPLC CL A 2,721.00 $862,747.47 1.82% Information Technology United States
036752103 ELV US ELEVANCE HEALTH INC 2,061.00 $859,952.25 1.81% Health Care United States
742718109 PG US PROCTER +GAMBLE CO/THE 4,864.00 $820,021.76 1.73% Consumer Staples United States
172967424 C US CITIGROUPINC 12,137.00 $815,970.51 1.72% Financials United States
609207105 MDLZ US MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL INC A 12,464.00 $806,296.16 1.70% Consumer Staples United States
43300A203 HLT US HILTON WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS IN 3,634.00 $805,948.52 1.70% Consumer Discretionary United States
060505104 BAC US BANK OF AMERICA CORP 20,310.00 $805,697.70 1.70% Financials United States
482480100 KLAC US KLA CORP 1,154.00 $786,451.00 1.66% Information Technology United States
666807102 NOC US NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 1,566.00 $768,263.94 1.62% Industrials United States
25746U109 D US DOMINION ENERGY INC 13,865.00 $749,957.85 1.58% Utilities United States
369550108 GD US GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP 2,842.00 $742,216.72 1.56% Industrials United States
631103108 NDAQ US NASDAQ INC 9,990.00 $720,978.30 1.52% Financials United States
693718108 PCAR US PACCAR INC 7,105.00 $699,274.10 1.47% NO_VALUE United States
717081103 PFE US PFIZER INC 26,740.00 $684,544.00 1.44% Health Care United States
48251W104 KKR US KKR + CO INC 6,017.00 $653,987.73 1.38% Financials United States
713448108 PEP US PEPSICO INC 4,369.00 $648,097.46 1.36% Consumer Staples United States
452308109 ITW US ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS 2,556.00 $639,945.72 1.35% Industrials United States
018802108 LNT US ALLIANT ENERGY CORP 10,119.00 $629,705.37 1.33% Utilities United States
438516106 HON US HONEYWELLINTERNATIONAL INC 2,968.00 $613,455.92 1.29% Industrials United States
49177J102 KVUE US KENVUE INC 26,328.00 $610,283.04 1.28% Consumer Staples United States
478160104 JNJ US JOHNSON +JOHNSON 3,710.00 $604,692.90 1.27% Health Care United States
N6596X109 NXPI US NXP SEMICONDUCTORS NV 2,885.00 $579,942.70 1.22% Information Technology United States
G29183103 ETN US EATON CORPPLC 2,018.00 $572,506.60 1.21% Industrials United States
25243Q205 DEO US DIAGEO PLCSPONSORED ADR 5,193.00 $560,584.35 1.18% Consumer Staples United Kingdom
69331C108 PCG US P G + E CORP 33,928.00 $556,419.20 1.17% Utilities United States
98389B100 XEL US XCEL ENERGY INC 7,601.00 $521,922.67 1.10% Utilities United States
294429105 EFX US EQUIFAX INC 1,896.00 $448,840.08 0.94% Industrials United States
882508104 TXN US TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC 2,556.00 $443,721.60 0.93% Information Technology United States
949746101 WFC US WELLS FARGO + CO 6,425.00 $439,855.50 0.93% Financials United States
26614N102 DD US DUPONT DENEMOURS INC 5,003.00 $374,774.73 0.79% Materials United States
G25508105 CRH US CRH PLC 3,823.00 $361,655.80 0.76% Materials United States
58933Y105 MRK US MERCK + CO. INC. 3,710.00 $351,374.10 0.74% Health Care United States
59522J103 MAA US MID AMERICA APARTMENT COMM 2,063.00 $333,669.62 0.70% Real Estate United States
771195104 RHHBY US ROCHE HOLDINGS LTD SPONS ADR 7,352.00 $315,106.72 0.66% Health Care Switzerland
87612E106 TGT US TARGET CORP 2,965.00 $309,842.50 0.65% Consumer Staples United States
CASH CASH Cash & Cash Equivalents - $-1,201,741.46 -2.53% - -
Short positions, unlike long positions, lose value if the underlying asset gains value.

The list of portfolio holdings is as of the date shown and may not represent current or future portfolio composition. This information should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned.

This portfolio data has not been audited or adjusted for certain financial statement reclassifications. An audit could potentially result in adjustments to this data. For adjusted holdings information, please refer to the fund's quarterly portfolio holdings and semiannual reports. For audited portfolio holdings information, please refer to the fund's annual report.

Top 10 portfolio holdings are generally available at the earliest, 11 calendar days after the end of each month.

Other. Other consists of: (i) currency derivatives and/or (ii) any derivative offsets.
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This publication is authorized for distribution only when preceded or accompanied by a prospectus, or summary prospectus, for the portfolio being offered. Consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Contact MFS or view online at MFS.com. Read it carefully.

MFS registered investment products are offered through MFS® Fund Distributors, Inc., Member SIPC, 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02199.

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