MFS Meridian® Funds
Key Information Documents, Key Investor Information Documents, Key Fact Statements, Prospectuses, Semiannual Reports, Annual Reports, Fact Sheets

This website is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person's nationality, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of this Site is prohibited. This website and the content therein is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a solicitation, advice, offer or a recommendation for any security in any jurisdiction where such offer, solicitation or recommendation would be unlawful or unauthorized. In certain jurisdictions, information provided herein and investments in the funds may only be made by qualified investors and/or through authorized intermediaries on a limited private placement basis subject to applicable laws and regulations in the country of distribution. In particular and without limitation, the funds mentioned on the website are not offered or sold in the United States, to U.S. Persons or in Canada. It is your responsibility to be aware of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. Subscriptions in a fund may only be made on the basis of the relevant offering documents and may not be made via this Site.

Attention Hong Kong Investors: Investors should not rely on this website alone to make investment decisions. This website is for information purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice. Funds which are invested in derivatives, emerging markets and smaller companies may also involve a higher degree of risk and are usually more sensitive to price movements. Please refer to the relevant offering document(s) for details, including the risk factors before investing. Informational sources are considered reliable but you should conduct your own verification of information contained herein. The price of shares and the income from them in relation to any investment may go down as well as up and any past performance is not indicative of future performance. The funds referred to in this Website are authorized by the SFC for sale to the public in Hong Kong. SFC authorization is not a recommendation or endorsement of a scheme nor does it guarantee the commercial merits or performances of the scheme. It does not mean that the scheme is suitable for all investors nor is it an endorsement of its suitability for any particular investor or class of investors. This website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong ("SFC"). This website and the advertisements contained herein are issued by MFS Investment Management Company (Lux)

Attention Swiss Investors: The prospectus for Switzerland, the key investor information documents, the articles of incorporation, the annual and semi-annual reports in French and other information may be obtained free of charge from the Funds' representative in Switzerland: Carnegie Fund Services S.A., 11, rue du Général-Dufour, CH-1204 Genève, Suisse, tél. : + 41 22 7051178, fax : + 41 22 7051179, web The paying agent in Switzerland is the Cantonal Bank of Geneva, 17, quai de l'Ile, CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland. The latest share prices are available on

Attention, les Investisseurs Suisses: Le prospectus pour la Suisse, les Informations Clés pour l'Investisseur, les statuts, les rapports semestriel et annuel en français et d'autres informations peuvent être obtenus gratuitement auprès du représentant en Suisse du Fonds : Carnegie Fund Services S.A., 11, rue du Général-Dufour, CH-1204 Genève, Suisse, tél. : + 41 22 7051178, fax : + 41 22 7051179, web : Le service de paiement en Suisse est la Banque Cantonale de Genève, 17, quai de l'Ile, CH-1204 Genève, Suisse. Les derniers prix des actions sont disponibles sur

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