Key takeaways for plan sponsors to consider
- Screen with care: Consider the extent to which your manager employs exclusions and how this might affect the underlying characteristics of the portfolio. Managers’ tools of influence should be aligned with the overall values of the organization and should be working in the best interest of portfolio returns and their fiduciary duty.
- Process over product: Consider the extent to which your managers incorporate ESG as part of their overall investment process. Are the investment decision makers incorporating ESG, or is there a separate team of individuals responsible for managing ESG considerations?
- Harness active ownership: Engagement is a powerful way to influence companies. Managers who take this approach should be able to demonstrate that they are regularly and actively engaging with companies on ESG issues. They should be able to articulate their objectives and describe their rationale for choosing them, as well as be able to provide examples of engagements they have had with companies.
The views expressed are those of MFS and are subject to change at any time. These views should not be relied upon as investment advice, as securities recommendations, or as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any other MFS investment product. No forecasts can be guaranteed.
Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested
MFS may consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in its fundamental investment analysis alongside more traditional economic factors where MFS believes such ESG factors could materially impact the economic value of an issuer. The extent to which any ESG factors are considered and whether they impact returns will depend on a number of variables, such as investment strategy, the types of asset classes, regional and geographic exposures, and an investment professional’s views and analysis of a specific ESG issue. ESG factors alone do not determine any investment decision. MFS may incorporate ESG factors into its engagement activities when communicating with issuers but these engagement activities will not necessarily result in changes to any issuer’s ESG-related practices.
Issued in Canada by MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc. provides certain sub-advisory services to all MFS Investment Management Canada Limited portfolios, including discretionary investment management for non-Canadian portfolios or components of portfolios.
Pursuant to a sub-advisory agreement executed between MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc. and MFS Investment Management Canada Limited, MFS provides investment advice pursuant to statutory exemptions or regulatory relief, as applicable. Such advice is being rendered outside of Canada and certain members of the team may not be registered in any capacity with any Canadian securities regulatory authority.
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Important Risk Considerations: Target date funds may not achieve its objective and/or you could lose money on your investment in the fund. There is no guarantee that the fund will provide adequate income at and through your retirement. You may experience losses near, at, or after the target date. There is no guarantee of the fund’s principal value, including at the target date, or that the fund will provide adequate income at and through your retirement.
Keep in mind that all investments carry a certain amount of risk including possible loss of the principal amount invested.