We Go to Work for You

Since we created the first open-end mutual fund in 1924, our commitment to our clients has driven us for a century. It’s why our purpose is to create long-term value responsibly, and why we are investors not traders, so our clients can achieve their investment goals.

We Go to Work for You

[Text] When we asked ourselves what has driven us for a century, what we heard… was you.


[Rheeta Wise] We are very focused on our clients.

[Jenine Garrelick] Our clients know they are number one.

[Vishal Hindocha] I have the full weight of the firm behind to always do what is right for the client.

[Michelle Thompson-Dolberry] We do our work for the client at the end of the day.

[VO] One hundred years, 14 global offices, one vision: to create value responsibly so our clients can achieve long-term investment goals for themselves or their own clients.

[VO] Our clients are our who — and our why.

[Mike Roberge] “What drives me to just keep driving forward and doing that with intensity every single day is a commitment to what we do for our clients.”

[VO] In 1924, we recognized an inadequate financial system and launched the first US open-end mutual fund, an investment vehicle designed to give everyday investors access to the markets.

[VO] And through the years, we have evolved and innovated with purpose and intention so that we can continue to meet your needs. Together, we’ve helped millions of everyday investors access the power of the market.

[VO] We take our role as active stewards seriously.

[Carol Geremia] “We really, really believe in our hearts and our souls that we need to understand everything that we own with other people’s money. And that’s why we’re committed to active management all these years. And that’s why we have built the research platform that we do all over the world, because we want to get to the best information, the best idea, that we possibly can before we make an investment decision.”

[VO] Long term isn’t just our investment philosophy, it’s our 100-year commitment to serving you… and 100 years from now…that commitment will still guide us.

[Ted Maloney] “We’ve been managing money for clients for a very long time. We want to manage money for clients for a very long time, finding companies to invest in that we think are going to be around for a very long period of time.”

[Rheeta Wise] “This is somebody’s life. These are their assets. They’re relying on us to protect those assets.”

[VO] That’s why our purpose is to create long-term value responsibly. That’s why we are investors, not traders. That’s why at the heart of every investment decision we make — is you.

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