MFS® Large Cap Value Strategy - Quarterly Portfolio Update

Kate Mead, Institutional Portfolio Manager, shares the team's thoughts on the large-cap value asset class and provides a quarterly update on the Large-Cap Value Strategy.

MFS® Large Cap Value Strategy: Portfolio Review and Insights

Hi, my name is Kate Mead, and I’m a member of the Large Cap Value team here at MFS®. Coming into this year, investor expectations were for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by six times by the end of 2024. Midway through the year, expectations are now for only one rate cut. This is definitely not the backdrop that investors would have expected to benefit long-duration, more expensive growth stocks. However, that is exactly what has happened this year. Through the first half, the Russell 1000® Growth Index is up nearly 21%, significantly outperforming the Russell 1000® Value Index and the MFS Large Cap Value strategy. It’s a helpful reminder that even with perfect hindsight on macroeconomic events, there is no assurance stocks will behave as expected, and it’s why we never position the portfolio for a specific macro or market outcome.

The tremendous level of enthusiasm for the potential impact of generative artificial intelligence, or Gen AI, has driven the markets this year. The most significant beneficiary of this has been NVIDIA, which makes graphic processing units that are at the core of training artificial intelligence models. Its shares have appreciated nearly 150% during the first six months of the year and it is single handedly responsible for one-third of the total return of the S&P 500 — that’s something that no single stock has done since 1927 in a period when the market is up double digits.

The AI euphoria of 2024 is reminiscent of the internet excitement during the late 1990s. Companies perceived to benefit from the deployment of Gen AI have performed very well as investors anticipate accelerating growth. AI data centers require an order of magnitude more power than traditional ones, so it is not surprising at all the number of utilities and other companies that supply components into these data centers have been among the best performers.

The strength in the utility sector has been driven primarily by the independent power producers (IPPs). Collectively, the three large cloud service providers have announced data center capacity additions over the next 12 months that are the equivalent of adding another New York City into the grid of the United States! It’s no wonder there has been AI enthusiasm centered on some companies in this sector. This magnitude of change, however, can’t happen overnight and it will certainly take time to provision that much additional capacity. Ensuring that the regulated utilities, which are the companies that are owned in the MFS Large Cap Value strategy, will continue to be able to deliver affordable, reliable service in their territories without saddling ratepayers with stranded assets and additional costs is paramount as these investments are made and come online.

With this broader market backdrop, the drumbeat that value investing is dead has started once again. We are as convicted as ever in the future of value investing, but we concede that it may depend on how you define value. The FTSE Russell Indices uses price/book as the sole valuation metric when constructing the style benchmarks. With modern businesses deriving an increased amount of value from intangible assets — such as intellectual property, brand value and culture — we believe that book valuation metrics are not the best way to assess valuation and could be even less meaningful going forward for most industries.


We have always preferred to focus on the valuation metrics that capture how companies create value and have instead emphasized cash-flow-based methodologies. Over the long-term, these metrics have proven to be a much more consistent driver of stock price performance. In this chart, we can see the stark difference between the value added by focusing on price/book versus free cash flow yield valuation metrics. It’s a compelling illustration that a “quality” value focused approach is more efficacious over time.

Looking to the second half of 2024, the level of uncertainty remains high. Remarkably, markets have remained relatively calm and resilient. Over the prior 15 years, US equity markets have compounded nearly 17% per year. That is a level that is far in excess of the long-term average level of returns. With such strong absolute returns, it’s understandable that the importance of focusing on downside risks has been overshadowed in investors’ minds; however we believe it remains imperative. It seems very likely that the future level of returns from here will be more muted from an absolute perspective, and it’s possible there could also be a more protracted downturn. Focusing on downside risk management has always been a critical element of the investment philosophy used in managing the MFS Large Cap Value strategy, and we strongly believe that owning an actively managed value strategy where risk management is of primary importance is crucial in the current environment. Thank you so much for your time.


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The strategy may not achieve its objective and/or you could lose money on your investment.

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Value: The portfolio's investments can continue to be undervalued for long periods of time, not realize their expected value, and be more volatile than the stock market in general.

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