
Find Your Silver Lining

Help Your Clients See Past the Clouds

Amplify your value with our actionable resources. Use these resources in client meetings to address client concerns and turn uncertainty to advantage.

Five-Step Communication Plan for Uncertain Markets

Shine in uncertain times with this timely client and prospect communication plan that demonstrates your value and can help grow your business.

The Power of Active Management: Seeking a Silver Lining to Market Uncertainty

Use this brochure to show clients how active managers navigate markets, seeking to capture gains in up markets and lose less value when markets decline. See how MFS mutual funds — backed by 100 years of experience — have performed over the long term.

Highlight from the brochure: Active investors look to manage the downside while seizing opportunities to add value on the upside.



MFS Mutual Funds: Built to lead in times of change

Explore funds that can help keep your clients moving forward.


MFS: 100 Years of Active Management

Our active investment platform — backed by a century of experience — uncovers opportunities to help millions of people and institutions build secure futures.


For 100 years, we've asked "what if?" in the best interests of our clients.

Have a question about finding your silver lining?

Call us at 1-800-225-2606



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