
creazione responsabile di valore

Allineamento attivo per risultati migliori

Da quasi un secolo, allineiamo il nostro approccio d'investimento attivo e il modo in cui ci rivolgiamo ai clienti con un unico scopo: la creazione responsabile di valore a lungo termine. Quest'impegno è nato nel 1924, quando MFS ha lanciato il primo fondo comune d'investimento statunitense al fine di aprire le porte dei mercati a milioni di investitori, ed è proseguito nel corso della nostra crescita, che ci ha portati a diventare una società globale di gestione degli investimenti che offre una gamma completa di servizi e soluzioni quantitative, azionarie e obbligazionarie a consulenti finanziari, intermediari e clienti istituzionali di tutto in mondo. Quest'impegno non è mai venuto meno. La nostra capacità di creare valore responsabilmente eccelle grazie alla nostra competenza collettiva, alla gestione del rischio e alla disciplina del lungo termine.

  • competenza collettiva

    Collective expertise

    We believe the collective expertise of our teams brings us to better investment decisions through:

    Engagement with the companies we own to understand what could impact their sustainable value and using our voting power to influence issues that matter.

    Diversity & collaboration through teams of diverse thinkers who actively share and debate their unique perspectives to build conviction in our investment ideas.

    Integrated research through a global platform that allows us to develop local market perspectives and drives uncompromised information sharing across sectors, geographies and asset classes.

  • Collective expertise

    To maintain our clients' confidence in our investment management, we navigate risk on their behalf through a process that includes:

    A risk-aware culture where risk plays a central role in decision-making and everyone takes responsibility for assessing it.

    Understanding material risk through our robust, integrated research which factors in ESG issues to help us see and mitigate risks we consider material to a company’s or issuer’s competitive advantage.

    Capacity management where we close strategies when we believe they are at capacity, in order to protect long-term performance for our clients.

  • Long Term Discipline

    Thinking long-term has always been part of our heritage because we believe it helps us pursue the outcomes our clients need. At MFS, long-term discipline takes:

    Conviction and longer time horizons, made possible by robust research and the confidence to let our thesis play out.   

    Sustainable investing where we favor ESG integration and engagement over a separate outcome.

    Continuity & succession planning to strategically develop talent and plan for our next generations of leadership and investment teams.

Collective expertise

We believe the collective expertise of our teams brings us to better investment decisions through:

Engagement with the companies we own to understand what could impact their sustainable value and using our voting power to influence issues that matter.

Diversity & collaboration through teams of diverse thinkers who actively share and debate their unique perspectives to build conviction in our investment ideas.

Integrated research through a global platform that allows us to develop local market perspectives and drives uncompromised information sharing across sectors, geographies and asset classes.

Collective expertise

To maintain our clients' confidence in our investment management, we navigate risk on their behalf through a process that includes:

A risk-aware culture where risk plays a central role in decision-making and everyone takes responsibility for assessing it.

Understanding material risk through our robust, integrated research which factors in ESG issues to help us see and mitigate risks we consider material to a company’s or issuer’s competitive advantage.

Capacity management where we close strategies when we believe they are at capacity, in order to protect long-term performance for our clients.

Long Term Discipline

Thinking long-term has always been part of our heritage because we believe it helps us pursue the outcomes our clients need. At MFS, long-term discipline takes:

Conviction and longer time horizons, made possible by robust research and the confidence to let our thesis play out.   

Sustainable investing where we favor ESG integration and engagement over a separate outcome.

Continuity & succession planning to strategically develop talent and plan for our next generations of leadership and investment teams.

Scopri di più su MFS

In MFS, il nostro obiettivo, la creazione responsabile di valore, nasce dalla nostra storia, è sostenuto dai nostri dipendenti e si riflette nell'impatto che esercitiamo. 

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