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Community Impact
At MFS, our long-term commitment extends from our clients to our communities.
Investing in people and relationships is an important part of the MFS culture. Our investment performance and longstanding client relationships are demonstrations of our commitment to our clients. Our Corporate Citizenship program is a testament to the investments we make in the communities where we live and work. The return on this investment is enhanced opportunity and access to education, self-sufficiency and civic engagement, resulting in increased health, well-being and economic empowerment of our communities.
Civic Engagement
Established in 2003, Angel Flight is an Australian based charity geared toward transporting people cross country in order to receive necessary medical procedures.
MFS sponsors Bear Cottage, a hospice dedicated to caring for children with life-threatening illnesses and providing support services for their families.
The MFS team participates the Mother's Day Classic in Sydney and the Estee-Lauder Pink Star Walk in New Zealand.
Benefiting the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, MFS signed on as an Official Sponsor of the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer in 2012.
SickKids Foundation provides nearly $100 million a year in funding for child health research, learning and care, and critical initiatives.
With each wheelchair donated and refurbished by NGO, children, especially in developing countries can live more comfortably.
Through its free cancer screenings and educational programs, the Singapore Cancer Society has extended its reach to over 50,000 individuals.
MFS supports CLIC Sargent, the UK's leading cancer charity for children and their families.
As a sponsor since ’99, hundreds of MFS employees have ridden as members of Team MFS and our cumulative contribution exceeds $8 million.
Teach for Japan is dedicated toward training young educated professionals to become mentors and role models for underprivileged children in Japan.
The Access Project provides mentoring and tutoring opportunities students from economically challenged backgrounds.
This organization is dedicated to tutoring and mentoring students from disadvantaged backgrounds to help them succeed academically.
Jumpstart for Young Children is an early education organization that recruits and trains college students to serve preschool children in low-income neighborhoods.
Cottage by the Sea empowers disadvantaged children by helping them develop their self-esteem, health and well-being through various planned programs.
The Exodus Foundation aims at alleviating poverty with nutrient filled meals and providing the homeless with a place to seek personal assistance and refuge.
OzHarvest rescues excess food which would otherwise be discarded and distributes it to charities supporting vulnerable communities across Australia.
The Scott Mission supports the impoverished regions of Toronto, providing meals, shelter, clothing, and childcare to thousands of individuals each year.
Beyond Social Services provides a positive space for disadvantaged children to seek friends, mentors, and educational opportunity.
This organization helps to provide food to children’s homes, low-income schools, senior citizens’ homes, and other needy families throughout Singapore.
Crisis, the UK's national charity for single homeless people, is dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering life-changing services and campaigning for change.
This organization helps provide high quality early education, opportunities for play and family support systems.
Civic Engagement
In the aftermath of the great tsunami that devastated the Pacific Coast of Japan in 2011, MFS provides funding and organizes teams of volunteers.
City Year focuses on working in schools to help address the nation's urban high school drop-out crisis.
Featured Partnership: Crayola Creativity Week
About the Partnership
We’re excited to announce MFS as an official sponsor for Crayola Creativity Week 2025, a free global program designed to inspire creativity in children through educational content, giveaways and virtual events. Crayola Creativity Week primarily engages elementary to early middle school students in schools, with opportunities for families to participate at home as well. To learn more about Crayola Creativity Week events, activities and information, visit
400,000 EDUCATORS |
For the first time, Crayola is introducing a financial literacy component to Creativity Week, and MFS is proud to play a leading role in its development. This partnership reflects MFS' long-standing commitment to advancing financial literacy and making financial education accessible to all. With our history of bringing Wall Street to Main Street, this partnership provides an ideal opportunity to empower the next generation with essential financial skills.
Discover practical and fun ways to teach kids essential financial skills by downloading the Family Engagement Guide and explore the financial literacy resources on pages 13-22.
Download Financial Literacy Engagement Guide
MFS Resources for Raising Financially Savvy Children
Want to take your financial literacy education a step further? Check out the materials below to help guide conversations on how to raise money-smart kids and how to build a financial foundation that endures.
Learning how to help teach kids to budget and save by using real-life scenarios can make money management lessons tangible.
Understand the five things that we see as a basis for attaining solid financial footing.
Investing in people and relationships is an important part of the MFS culture. Our investment performance and longstanding client relationships are demonstrations of our commitment to our clients. Our Corporate Citizenship program is a testament to the investments we make in the communities where we live and work. The return on this investment is enhanced opportunity and access to education, self-sufficiency and civic engagement, resulting in increased health, well-being and economic empowerment of our communities.
Civic Engagement
Established in 2003, Angel Flight is an Australian based charity geared toward transporting people cross country in order to receive necessary medical procedures.
MFS sponsors Bear Cottage, a hospice dedicated to caring for children with life-threatening illnesses and providing support services for their families.
The MFS team participates the Mother's Day Classic in Sydney and the Estee-Lauder Pink Star Walk in New Zealand.
Benefiting the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, MFS signed on as an Official Sponsor of the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer in 2012.
SickKids Foundation provides nearly $100 million a year in funding for child health research, learning and care, and critical initiatives.
With each wheelchair donated and refurbished by NGO, children, especially in developing countries can live more comfortably.
Through its free cancer screenings and educational programs, the Singapore Cancer Society has extended its reach to over 50,000 individuals.
MFS supports CLIC Sargent, the UK's leading cancer charity for children and their families.
As a sponsor since ’99, hundreds of MFS employees have ridden as members of Team MFS and our cumulative contribution exceeds $8 million.
Teach for Japan is dedicated toward training young educated professionals to become mentors and role models for underprivileged children in Japan.
The Access Project provides mentoring and tutoring opportunities students from economically challenged backgrounds.
This organization is dedicated to tutoring and mentoring students from disadvantaged backgrounds to help them succeed academically.
Jumpstart for Young Children is an early education organization that recruits and trains college students to serve preschool children in low-income neighborhoods.
Cottage by the Sea empowers disadvantaged children by helping them develop their self-esteem, health and well-being through various planned programs.
The Exodus Foundation aims at alleviating poverty with nutrient filled meals and providing the homeless with a place to seek personal assistance and refuge.
OzHarvest rescues excess food which would otherwise be discarded and distributes it to charities supporting vulnerable communities across Australia.
The Scott Mission supports the impoverished regions of Toronto, providing meals, shelter, clothing, and childcare to thousands of individuals each year.
Beyond Social Services provides a positive space for disadvantaged children to seek friends, mentors, and educational opportunity.
This organization helps to provide food to children’s homes, low-income schools, senior citizens’ homes, and other needy families throughout Singapore.
Crisis, the UK's national charity for single homeless people, is dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering life-changing services and campaigning for change.
This organization helps provide high quality early education, opportunities for play and family support systems.
Civic Engagement
In the aftermath of the great tsunami that devastated the Pacific Coast of Japan in 2011, MFS provides funding and organizes teams of volunteers.
City Year focuses on working in schools to help address the nation's urban high school drop-out crisis.
About the Partnership
We’re excited to announce MFS as an official sponsor for Crayola Creativity Week 2025, a free global program designed to inspire creativity in children through educational content, giveaways and virtual events. Crayola Creativity Week primarily engages elementary to early middle school students in schools, with opportunities for families to participate at home as well. To learn more about Crayola Creativity Week events, activities and information, visit
400,000 EDUCATORS |
For the first time, Crayola is introducing a financial literacy component to Creativity Week, and MFS is proud to play a leading role in its development. This partnership reflects MFS' long-standing commitment to advancing financial literacy and making financial education accessible to all. With our history of bringing Wall Street to Main Street, this partnership provides an ideal opportunity to empower the next generation with essential financial skills.
Discover practical and fun ways to teach kids essential financial skills by downloading the Family Engagement Guide and explore the financial literacy resources on pages 13-22.
Download Financial Literacy Engagement Guide
MFS Resources for Raising Financially Savvy Children
Want to take your financial literacy education a step further? Check out the materials below to help guide conversations on how to raise money-smart kids and how to build a financial foundation that endures.
Learning how to help teach kids to budget and save by using real-life scenarios can make money management lessons tangible.
Understand the five things that we see as a basis for attaining solid financial footing.