Global Small- and Midcaps: Why MFS?

Why consider MFS when making an allocation to Global Small/Mid Caps?


Why MFS?

Nick Paul:

I think there’s a couple of reasons to consider MFS when thinking about investing in the small- and midcap asset class. The first is really just a long history in investing in small- and midcap stocks. Today, MFS manages approximately 60 billion in US dollars in dedicated small- and midcap strategies globally. So that's the first thing. It’s just tremendous institutional knowledge, managing risk in fundamentals in small- and midcap stocks.

The other thing is MFS’ global research platform. So this global research platform is made up of over 60 equity analysts located at nine investment offices across the globe, which is very important when it comes to investing in small caps, having analysts on the ground in these local markets, identifying opportunities in small- and midcaps, which tend to be very local companies in many instances. Incredibly, incredibly important. And the way our analyst teams are set up is across eight global sector teams where they’re truly sector and industry experts identifying opportunities, so that then we are able to take these ideas and build appropriate portfolios for our clients. So it is really a combination of just a long heritage, strong institutional knowledge, managing risk and portfolios in the asset class and then our global research platform, which we would say, at the end of the day is really our key differentiator. It really makes MFS what it is today.


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