Full & Historical Holdings

Georgia Municipal Bond Fund

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Based on Market Value Based on Equivalent Exposure
CUSIP/SEDOL Ticker Securities
(on 01-31-25)
Shares or Par Amount Value Percent of Net Assets Value Percent of Net Assets Market Cap ($mm) GICS Sectors

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373539K8 373539K8 Georgia Housing & Finance Authority GA Non Amt Non Ace-Sf 3.850 DEC 01 41 1,465,000 $1,414,584.03 1.28% $1,414,584.03 1.28% - Municipal United States
235586BZ 235586BZ Board of Water Light & Sinking Fund Commissioners of The City of Dalton/The GA Comb 5.000 MAR 01 29 1,195,000 $1,258,174.79 1.14% $1,258,174.79 1.14% - Municipal United States
197479AD 197479AD Columbia County Hospital Authority/GA Rev Anticipation Ctfs-Wellstar 5.750 APR 01 53 1,000,000 $1,119,585.17 1.01% $1,119,585.17 1.01% - Municipal United States
591746AM 591746AM Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority GA Green Bond-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 39 1,000,000 $1,118,113.27 1.01% $1,118,113.27 1.01% - Municipal United States
37255MAC 37255MAC George L Smith II Congress Center Authority GA Convention Center Hotel First 4.000 JAN 01 54 1,250,000 $1,104,999.80 1.00% $1,104,999.79 1.00% - Municipal United States
776000AY 776000AY Rome Building Authority GA Rome City Schools Project 5.000 MAR 01 43 1,000,000 $1,105,033.03 1.00% $1,105,033.03 1.00% - Municipal United States
776000AZ 776000AZ Rome Building Authority GA Rome City Schools Project 5.000 MAR 01 44 1,000,000 $1,101,413.23 0.99% $1,101,413.23 0.99% - Municipal United States
916281DH 916281DH Upper Oconee Basin Water Authority GA 5.000 JUL 01 49 1,000,000 $1,084,429.96 0.98% $1,084,429.96 0.98% - Municipal United States
555758KC 555758KC Macon Water Authority GA 5.000 OCT 01 54 1,000,000 $1,082,977.80 0.98% $1,082,977.80 0.98% - Municipal United States
6262075A 6262075A Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia GA Ref-Project One Subordinated B 5.000 JAN 01 37 1,000,000 $1,081,438.57 0.98% $1,081,438.57 0.98% - Municipal United States
93342PFL 93342PFL Walton County Water & Sewer Authority GA Rev-Hard Labor Creek Reservoir 5.000 FEB 01 53 1,000,000 $1,078,921.50 0.97% $1,078,921.50 0.97% - Municipal United States
31222PAX 31222PAX Fayette County Development Authority GA United States Soccer Federatio 5.250 OCT 01 54 1,000,000 $1,075,494.10 0.97% $1,075,494.10 0.97% - Municipal United States
426366BU 426366BU Henry County Water & Sewerage Authority GA Ref-Natl-Agm-Cr Bhac-Cr BHAC 5.250 FEB 01 27 1,000,000 $1,074,902.90 0.97% $1,074,902.90 0.97% - Municipal United States
240523A7 240523A7 County of DeKalb GA Water & Sewerage Revenue GA Ref-Second Resolution 5.000 OCT 01 52 1,000,000 $1,072,062.87 0.97% $1,072,062.87 0.97% - Municipal United States
223663MP 223663MP Coweta County Water & Sewage Authority GA 5.000 JUN 01 54 1,000,000 $1,071,612.43 0.97% $1,071,612.43 0.97% - Municipal United States
62620HJZ 62620HJZ Municipal Electric Authority Of Georgia GA Ref-Project One Subordinated B 5.250 JAN 01 54 1,000,000 $1,070,743.50 0.97% $1,070,743.50 0.97% - Municipal United States
74265L2K 74265L2K Private Colleges & Universities Authority GA Ref-Mercer Univ Proj 5.250 OCT 01 51 1,000,000 $1,069,411.10 0.97% $1,069,411.10 0.97% - Municipal United States
197479AB 197479AB Columbia County Hospital Authority/GA Rev Anticipation Ctfs-Wellstar AGM 5.000 APR 01 48 1,000,000 $1,067,679.47 0.96% $1,067,679.47 0.96% - Municipal United States
04780MX8 04780MX8 City of Atlanta GA Department of Aviation GA Amt-Ser B 5.250 JUL 01 49 1,000,000 $1,066,624.20 0.96% $1,066,624.20 0.96% - Municipal United States
77302EAU 77302EAU Rockdale County Public Facilities Authority GA 5.000 JAN 01 54 1,000,000 $1,065,891.97 0.96% $1,065,891.97 0.96% - Municipal United States
62620HGP 62620HGP Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia GA Plant Vogtle Units 3&4 Project AGM 5.000 JUL 01 48 1,000,000 $1,057,029.77 0.95% $1,057,029.77 0.95% - Municipal United States
37353PLT 37353PLT Georgia Housing & Finance Authority GA Ref-Ser B 4.875 DEC 01 38 1,000,000 $1,054,017.00 0.95% $1,054,017.00 0.95% - Municipal United States
56035DEN 56035DEN Main Street Natural Gas Inc GA Ser A 5.000 JUN 01 53 1,000,000 $1,050,539.43 0.95% $1,050,539.43 0.95% - Municipal United States
36005GAS 36005GAS Fulton County Development Authority GA Revenue Anticipation Ctfs-Well 5.000 APR 01 34 1,000,000 $1,046,158.77 0.94% $1,046,158.77 0.94% - Municipal United States
18274ABU 18274ABU Classic Center Authority for Clarke County GA Classic Ctr Arena Project-Ser 4.625 MAY 01 43 1,000,000 $1,043,504.60 0.94% $1,043,504.60 0.94% - Municipal United States
62620HGQ 62620HGQ Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia GA Plant Vogtle Units 3&4 Project AGM 5.000 JUL 01 55 1,000,000 $1,042,521.67 0.94% $1,042,521.67 0.94% - Municipal United States
362762LU 362762LU Gainesville & Hall County Hospital Authority GA Ref-N E Ga Hlth Sys Inc Proj-S 5.000 FEB 15 42 1,000,000 $1,039,021.16 0.94% $1,039,021.16 0.94% - Municipal United States
23378RFM 23378RFM Dahlonega Downtown Development Authority GA Ref-North Georgia Mac Llc Proj 5.000 JUL 01 36 1,000,000 $1,038,307.97 0.94% $1,038,307.97 0.94% - Municipal United States
04785WAA 04785WAA Atlanta Urban Residential Finance Authority GA Sustainable Bond-Ser A 4.850 SEP 01 43 1,000,000 $1,036,502.13 0.94% $1,036,502.13 0.94% - Municipal United States
36005FCT 36005FCT Fulton County Dev Authority GA Georgia Institute Of Technology 5.000 JUN 15 52 1,000,000 $1,033,362.89 0.93% $1,033,362.89 0.93% - Municipal United States
04780MF7 04780MF7 City of Atlanta GA Department of Aviation GA Amt-Ser B 5.000 JUL 01 52 1,000,000 $1,029,675.97 0.93% $1,029,675.97 0.93% - Municipal United States
403720FG 403720FG Gwinnett County Development Authority GA Ref-Georgia Gwinnett College S 5.000 JUL 01 40 1,000,000 $1,024,801.67 0.93% $1,024,801.67 0.93% - Municipal United States
04780MVW 04780MVW City of Atlanta GA Department of Aviation GA Amt-Airport Revenue-Ser B 5.000 JUL 01 44 1,000,000 $1,024,243.27 0.92% $1,024,243.27 0.92% - Municipal United States
416049AQ 416049AQ County of Hart GA Cops-Georgia Pub Purpose Proj 4.750 NOV 01 52 1,000,000 $1,019,044.80 0.92% $1,019,044.80 0.92% - Municipal United States
591745V5 591745V5 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority GA Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 44 1,000,000 $1,013,590.07 0.92% $1,013,590.07 0.92% - Municipal United States
520628AQ 520628AQ Lawrenceville Housing Authority GA Applewood Towers Proj-Ser A 4.375 OCT 01 42 1,000,000 $1,013,321.72 0.91% $1,013,321.72 0.91% - Municipal United States
37353PMF 37353PMF Georgia Housing & Finance Authority GA Ser A 4.600 DEC 01 49 1,000,000 $1,011,183.97 0.91% $1,011,183.97 0.91% - Municipal United States
240471PE 240471PE DeKalb County Housing Authority GA Senior Bond-Park At 500 Projec 4.000 MAR 01 34 1,000,000 $1,010,795.47 0.91% $1,010,795.47 0.91% - Municipal United States
37353PMG 37353PMG Georgia Housing & Finance Authority GA Ser A 4.700 DEC 01 54 1,000,000 $1,010,717.43 0.91% $1,010,717.43 0.91% - Municipal United States
37353PKP 37353PKP Georgia Housing & Finance Authority GA Ref-Ser A 4.150 DEC 01 38 1,000,000 $1,010,505.17 0.91% $1,010,505.17 0.91% - Municipal United States
240471PD 240471PD DeKalb County Housing Authority GA Kensington Station Proj-Ser A 4.000 DEC 01 33 1,000,000 $1,004,885.27 0.91% $1,004,885.27 0.91% - Municipal United States
764603BV 764603BV Richmond County Hospital Authority GA Ref-Univ Hlth Svcs Inc Proj 4.000 JAN 01 36 1,000,000 $1,004,634.83 0.91% $1,004,634.83 0.91% - Municipal United States
259029AA 259029AA Douglas County Housing Authority/GA GA Astoria At Crystal Lake Projec 4.375 APR 01 43 1,000,000 $1,002,928.09 0.91% $1,002,928.09 0.91% - Municipal United States
240471PH 240471PH DeKalb County Housing Authority GA Ref-The Avenues Of North Decat 4.125 DEC 01 34 1,000,000 $1,001,836.60 0.90% $1,001,836.60 0.90% - Municipal United States
23346RAS 23346RAS Urban Redevelopment Agency Of Dacula GA Georgia Project 4.125 FEB 01 50 AGC 1,000,000 $999,073.37 0.90% $999,073.37 0.90% - Municipal United States
047870TF 047870TF City of Atlanta GA Water & Wastewater Revenue Sub Lien-Sustainable Bond GA BAM 4.000 NOV 01 43 1,000,000 $993,690.03 0.90% $993,690.03 0.90% - Municipal United States
164243WY 164243WY Cherokee County Water & Sewer Authority/GA Ref 4.000 AUG 01 53 1,000,000 $989,333.10 0.89% $989,333.10 0.89% - Municipal United States
81724FAU 81724FAU City of Senoia Building & Facilities Authority GA City Of Senoia Georgia Project 4.000 DEC 01 46 1,000,000 $984,135.67 0.89% $984,135.67 0.89% - Municipal United States
937590DR 937590DR Washington County Hospital Authority/GA GA Wa Co Regional Medical Center 4.000 FEB 01 44 1,000,000 $979,778.70 0.88% $979,778.70 0.88% - Municipal United States
373586HT 373586HT Georgia Ports Authority GA 4.000 JUL 01 47 1,000,000 $977,404.83 0.88% $977,404.83 0.88% - Municipal United States
373586HV 373586HV Georgia Ports Authority GA 4.000 JUL 01 52 1,000,000 $972,875.13 0.88% $972,875.13 0.88% - Municipal United States
62620HEM 62620HEM GA MEAG (PROJECT J) S 22A 1,000,000 $968,371.20 0.87% $968,371.20 0.87% - Municipal United States
804833FD 804833FD Savannah Hospital Authority GA Ref-St Josephs Candler Hlth Sy 4.000 JUL 01 43 1,000,000 $964,745.43 0.87% $964,745.43 0.87% - Municipal United States
37255MAF 37255MAF George L Smith II Congress Center Authority GA Convention Center Hotel Second 144A 5.000 JAN 01 54 1,000,000 $960,802.97 0.87% $960,802.97 0.87% - Municipal United States
08869FFU 08869FFU Bibb County Development Authority GA Usg Real Estate Fndtn Ix Llc P 4.000 JUN 01 44 1,000,000 $958,686.67 0.87% $958,686.67 0.87% - Municipal United States
04785WAB 04785WAB Atlanta Urban Residential Finance Authority GA M-Tebs-Flats At Stone Hogan-Se 4.370 MAY 01 44 1,000,000 $958,019.26 0.86% $958,019.26 0.86% - Municipal United States
373293DM 373293DM Georgia Municipal Association Inc GA Cops-City Of Fairburn Projet 4.000 JAN 01 55 1,000,000 $945,189.00 0.85% $945,189.00 0.85% - Municipal United States
235641BE 235641BE Dalton Whitfield County Joint Development Auth GA Ref-Hamilton Health Care System 5.000 AUG 15 41 850,000 $944,973.13 0.85% $944,973.13 0.85% - Municipal United States
36005FGE 36005FGE Development Authority for Fulton County GA Piedmont Healthcare Inc Projec 4.000 JUL 01 49 1,000,000 $931,703.93 0.84% $931,703.93 0.84% - Municipal United States
73358W5U 73358W5U PORT AUTH NY & NJ S'20 221 AMT 1,000,000 $910,125.98 0.82% $910,125.98 0.82% - Municipal United States
620272BM 620272BM Moultrie-Colquitt Counties Development Authority/GA GA Philadelphia Clg Osteopathic M 5.000 DEC 01 4 870,000 $893,380.58 0.81% $893,380.58 0.81% - Municipal United States
37353PDC 37353PDC Georgia Housing & Finance Authority GA Ref-Single Family Mortgage-Ser 3.600 DEC 01 44 1,000,000 $890,168.20 0.80% $890,168.20 0.80% - Municipal United States
04780MZX 04780MZX City of Atlanta GA Department of Aviation GA Amt-Ref-Ser C 4.000 JUL 01 38 890,000 $878,330.35 0.79% $878,330.35 0.79% - Municipal United States
5917457Q 5917457Q Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority GA Green Bond-Ser E-1 3.000 JUL 01 40 1,000,000 $864,006.00 0.78% $864,006.00 0.78% - Municipal United States
093488AV 093488AV Bleckley County & Dodge County Joint Dev Auth GA Ref-Usg Real Estate Fndtn Vii 5.000 JUL 01 38 815,000 $847,585.87 0.77% $847,585.87 0.77% - Municipal United States
120334HT 120334HT Development Authority of Bulloch County GA Unrefunded-Ref-Ga Sthrn Univ H 5.000 JUL 01 38 800,000 $818,896.77 0.74% $818,896.77 0.74% - Municipal United States
56035DFK 56035DFK Main Street Natural Gas Inc GA Ser C 5.000 SEP 01 53 750,000 $810,118.15 0.73% $810,118.15 0.73% - Municipal United States
05115CBM 05115CBM Augusta Development Authority GA Au Jaguar Facs Dev Llc Proj 5.500 JUL 01 48 750,000 $804,822.70 0.73% $804,822.70 0.73% - Municipal United States
145339ND 145339ND Carrollton Payroll Development Authority GA Ref-Uwg Hsg Llc Proj 5.000 JUL 01 38 750,000 $788,775.80 0.71% $788,775.80 0.71% - Municipal United States
185630A4 185630A4 Clemson University SC Athletic Facs-Ser A 3.000 MAY 01 48 1,000,000 $783,369.70 0.71% $783,369.70 0.71% - Municipal United States
626207Z2 626207Z2 Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia GA Plant Vogtle Unis 3&4 Project 5.000 JAN 01 39 750,000 $780,401.22 0.70% $780,401.22 0.70% - Municipal United States
292723AK 292723AK Energy Southeast A Cooperative District AL Ser A-1 5.500 NOV 01 53 715,000 $774,714.53 0.70% $774,714.54 0.70% - Municipal United States
36005GAW 36005GAW Fulton County Development Authority GA Revenue Anticipation Ctfs-Well 5.000 APR 01 42 750,000 $771,155.38 0.70% $771,155.38 0.70% - Municipal United States
069643BN 069643BN Bartow County Development Authority GA Var-Ref-Ga Pwr Co Plt Bowen Pr 3.950 DEC 01 32 750,000 $769,507.78 0.69% $769,507.78 0.69% - Municipal United States
37353PPH 37353PPH Georgia Housing & Finance Authority Ser C-Ref GA 4.550 DEC 01 49 750,000 $760,102.44 0.69% $760,102.44 0.69% - Municipal United States
373511JA 373511JA Georgia Higher Edu Facilities Auth GA Ref-Usg Real Estate Foundation BAM 4.000 JUN 15 36 750,000 $755,878.20 0.68% $755,878.21 0.68% - Municipal United States
65821DXK 65821DXK NC Medical Care Commission NC Rex-Healthcare-Ser A 4.000 JUL 01 49 765,000 $729,095.52 0.66% $729,095.52 0.66% - Municipal United States
5374282N 5374282N Little Rock School District AR Ref-Ser A-Bam-Tcrs BAM 3.000 FEB 01 48 930,000 $722,223.58 0.65% $722,223.58 0.65% - Municipal United States
146441CV 146441CV City of Cartersville GA 2.000 OCT 01 40 1,000,000 $719,746.17 0.65% $719,746.17 0.65% - Municipal United States
36005FBW 36005FBW Fulton County Development Authority GA Ref-Robert W Woodruff Arts Cen 5.000 MAR 15 44 660,000 $690,954.85 0.62% $690,954.85 0.62% - Municipal United States
65000BNG 65000BNG New York State Dormitory Authority NY Ref-Northwell Hlth Oblig Grp-S 4.250 MAY 01 52 695,000 $665,081.92 0.60% $665,081.92 0.60% - Municipal United States
74529JPX 74529JPX PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-1 5.000 JUL 01 58 627,000 $629,421.77 0.57% $629,421.77 0.57% - Municipal United States
068049BR 068049BR Barnesville-Lamar County Ind Dev Auth GA Ref-Usg Real Estate Fndtn Vi L 5.000 JUN 01 38 600,000 $626,089.88 0.57% $626,089.88 0.57% - Municipal United States
13013JCM 13013JCM California Community Choice Financing Authority CA Variable-Green Bonds-Ser C 5.250 JAN 01 54 585,000 $623,933.91 0.56% $623,933.91 0.56% - Municipal United States
57419TT6 57419TT6 Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ref-Social Bonds-Ser A 4.450 SEP 01 43 595,000 $605,642.03 0.55% $605,642.03 0.55% - Municipal United States
74529JRL 74529JRL Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2 4.784 JUL 01 58 578,000 $571,030.11 0.52% $571,030.11 0.52% - Municipal United States
08869FFR 08869FFR Bibb County Devt Authority GA Real Estate P 4.000 JUN 01 37 560,000 $564,752.36 0.51% $564,752.37 0.51% - Municipal United States
56035DHZ 56035DHZ Main Street Natural Gas Inc Ser D GA 5.000 APR 01 54 500,000 $537,974.57 0.49% $537,974.57 0.49% - Municipal United States
36005FBU 36005FBU Fulton County Development Authority GA Ref-Robert W Woodruff Arts Cen 5.000 MAR 15 34 500,000 $536,807.99 0.48% $536,807.99 0.48% - Municipal United States
19078NAT 19078NAT Cobb County Development Authority GA Ref-Kennesaw St Univ Real Esta 5.000 JUL 15 34 500,000 $524,027.51 0.47% $524,027.51 0.47% - Municipal United States
650116HR 650116HR New York Transportation Development Corp NY Sustainable Bond-Amt-Jfk Inter AGM 5.250 JUN 30 60 500,000 $522,228.42 0.47% $522,228.42 0.47% - Municipal United States
928105BZ 928105BZ Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Ref-Bon Secours Mercy Health I 4.000 DEC 01 49 550,000 $519,450.02 0.47% $519,450.01 0.47% - Municipal United States
04780TDN 04780TDN City of Atlanta GA Airport Passenger Facility Charge GA Amt-Airport Rev-Subordinat 4.000 JUL 01 39 530,000 $519,219.45 0.47% $519,219.45 0.47% - Municipal United States
150759AS 150759AS Cedartown Polk County Hospital Authority GA Rev Antic Certs-Polk Med Ctr 5.000 JUL 01 39 500,000 $516,969.38 0.47% $516,969.38 0.47% - Municipal United States
04780MQ5 04780MQ5 City of Atlanta GA Department of Aviation GA Amt-Ser C 5.000 JUL 01 53 500,000 $516,693.28 0.47% $516,693.28 0.47% - Municipal United States
3599006Z 3599006Z Fulton County Development Authority GA Ref-Robert W Woodruff Arts Ctr 5.000 MAR 15 36 500,000 $515,334.59 0.47% $515,334.59 0.47% - Municipal United States
80483HAB 80483HAB Savannah Housing Authority GA The Pines At Garden City Proj- 4.750 MAR 01 42 500,000 $514,984.89 0.46% $514,984.89 0.46% - Municipal United States
04780NMW 04780NMW Atlanta Development Authority/The GA Westside Gulch Area Proj-Ser A 144A 5.000 APR 01 34 500,000 $514,869.96 0.46% $514,869.96 0.46% - Municipal United States
362763AQ 362763AQ Gainesville & Hall County Development Authority GA Ref-Acts Retmnt Life Cmntys In 5.000 NOV 15 33 500,000 $513,950.98 0.46% $513,950.98 0.46% - Municipal United States
04780TDM 04780TDM City of Atlanta GA Department of Aviation GA Amt-Airport Revenue-Subordinat 4.000 JUL 01 38 520,000 $513,181.77 0.46% $513,181.78 0.46% - Municipal United States
117497CJ 117497CJ Bryan County School District GA 4.000 AUG 01 32 500,000 $513,134.15 0.46% $513,134.15 0.46% - Municipal United States
3599008B 3599008B Fulton County Development Authority GA Ref-Piedmont Hlthcare-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 32 500,000 $512,796.73 0.46% $512,796.73 0.46% - Municipal United States
235586CF 235586CF Board of Water Light & Sinking Fund Commissioners of The City of Dalton/The GA Comb 4.000 MAR 01 35 500,000 $508,332.13 0.46% $508,332.13 0.46% - Municipal United States
3599006S 3599006S Fulton County Development Authority GA Ref-Spelman Clg 5.000 JUN 01 28 500,000 $507,301.62 0.46% $507,301.62 0.46% - Municipal United States
235586CG 235586CG Board of Water Light & Sinking Fund Commissioners of The City of Dalton/The GA Comb 4.000 MAR 01 36 500,000 $507,192.33 0.46% $507,192.33 0.46% - Municipal United States
360059AM 360059AM Fulton Cnty Residential Care Facil for the Elderly Auth GA Ref-Lenbrook Sq Fdtn Inc 5.000 JUL 01 36 500,000 $504,504.73 0.46% $504,504.73 0.46% - Municipal United States
592248BB 592248BB Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority IL Cap Apprec-Ref-Mccormick-B AGM 0.000 JUN 15 44 1,205,000 $504,192.00 0.46% $504,192.00 0.46% - Municipal United States
04785VBU 04785VBU Atlanta Urban Residential Finance Authority GA Skyline Apartments 3.750 SEP 01 25 500,000 $503,971.53 0.46% $503,971.53 0.46% - Municipal United States
047870QQ 047870QQ City of Atlanta GA Water & Wastewater Revenue GA Ser B 4.000 NOV 01 38 500,000 $502,831.75 0.45% $502,831.75 0.45% - Municipal United States
146501QU 146501QU City of Cartersville GA Ref 4.000 JUN 01 38 500,000 $502,111.83 0.45% $502,111.83 0.45% - Municipal United States
778535GM 778535GM City of Roswell GA Ser A 4.000 FEB 01 48 500,000 $497,006.00 0.45% $497,006.00 0.45% - Municipal United States
235641BF 235641BF Dalton Whitfield County Joint Development Auth GA Ref-Hamilton Health Care System 5.000 AUG 15 42 450,000 $496,767.55 0.45% $496,767.55 0.45% - Municipal United States
03069XCN 03069XCN Americus-Sumter Payroll Development Authority GA Ref-Usg Real Estate Fndtn Viii 3.500 JUN 01 35 500,000 $495,959.97 0.45% $495,959.97 0.45% - Municipal United States
74526QDH 74526QDH Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser Rr AGC 5.000 JUL 01 28 490,000 $490,647.03 0.44% $490,647.03 0.44% - Municipal United States
240463KD 240463KD DeKalb County Development Authority GA The Globe Academy Inc Proj-Ser 5.000 JUN 01 55 500,000 $488,589.87 0.44% $488,589.87 0.44% - Municipal United States
36005FCS 36005FCS Fulton County Development Authority GA Georgia Institute Of Technolog 4.000 JUN 15 49 500,000 $481,832.56 0.44% $481,832.56 0.44% - Municipal United States
167510AD 167510AD Chicago Board of Education Dedicated Capital Improvement Tax IL 5.750 APR 01 35 435,000 $457,733.48 0.41% $457,733.48 0.41% - Municipal United States
646080WP 646080WP New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority NJ Senior-Amt-Ser B 4.000 DEC 01 41 460,000 $456,383.05 0.41% $456,383.05 0.41% - Municipal United States
363010ZJ 363010ZJ City Of Gainesville Ga Water & Sewerage Revenue GA Ref 5.000 NOV 15 46 400,000 $439,209.08 0.40% $439,209.08 0.40% - Municipal United States
190813SY 190813SY COBB CNTY GA HSP (WELLSTAR HLTH) S'21B 430,000 $428,643.49 0.39% $428,643.49 0.39% - Municipal United States
047849EE 047849EE City of Atlanta GA Ref-Eastside Proj 5.000 JAN 01 30 410,000 $420,014.72 0.38% $420,014.73 0.38% - Municipal United States
380037FW 380037FW Glynn-Brunswick Memorial Hospital Authority GA Ref-Antic Ctfs-Southeast GA He 5.000 AUG 01 28 400,000 $411,697.92 0.37% $411,697.92 0.37% - Municipal United States
36005FGC 36005FGC Development Authority for Fulton County GA Piedmont Healthcare Inc Projec 4.000 JUL 01 39 400,000 $394,631.45 0.36% $394,631.45 0.36% - Municipal United States
57584YL6 57584YL6 Massachusetts Development Finance Agency MA Suffolk Univ Proj 4.000 JUL 01 51 500,000 $394,532.32 0.36% $394,532.32 0.36% - Municipal United States
190778JU 190778JU Development Authority of Cobb County/The GA Unrefunded-Junior-Kennesaw Sta 5.000 JUL 15 30 390,000 $391,692.57 0.35% $391,692.57 0.35% - Municipal United States
37353PBM 37353PBM Georgia Housing & Finance Authority GA Ser A 4.000 DEC 01 48 405,000 $371,359.11 0.34% $371,359.11 0.34% - Municipal United States
74265LG8 74265LG8 Private Colleges & Universities Authority GA Mercer Univ Proj 5.000 OCT 01 40 350,000 $357,568.84 0.32% $357,568.84 0.32% - Municipal United States
764595CV 764595CV Richmond County Development Authority GA Ref-Georgia Regents Univ Acade AGMC 5.000 DEC 15 32 325,000 $327,477.80 0.30% $327,477.80 0.30% - Municipal United States
118217CZ 118217CZ Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Auth OH Ref-Senior-Class 2-Ser B-2 5.000 JUN 01 55 355,000 $322,257.54 0.29% $322,257.55 0.29% - Municipal United States
63607WAC 63607WAC New Hampshire Business Finance Authority NH Ser 2022-1-Cl A-Social Bond 4.375 SEP 20 36 318,991 $318,451.83 0.29% $318,451.83 0.29% - Municipal United States
167505YC 167505YC Chicago Board of Education IL Ser A 4.000 DEC 01 47 370,000 $315,042.63 0.28% $315,042.63 0.28% - Municipal United States
928104NZ 928104NZ Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Amt-Senior Lien-Elizabeth Rive 3.000 JAN 01 41 375,000 $303,223.46 0.27% $303,223.46 0.27% - Municipal United States
649519DA 649519DA New York Liberty Development Corp NY Ref-Class 1-3 World Trade Ctr 5.000 NOV 15 44 280,000 $283,149.26 0.26% $283,149.26 0.26% - Municipal United States
38122ND8 38122ND8 Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp CA Txbl-Ref-Subordinate Bonds-Ser 3.850 JUN 01 50 300,000 $277,843.52 0.25% $277,843.52 0.25% - Municipal United States
74529JQE 74529JQE PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 31 326,000 $257,546.32 0.23% $257,546.32 0.23% - Municipal United States
25483VUW 25483VUW District of Columbia DC Rocketship Dc Obligated Group- 5.000 JUN 01 49 250,000 $241,548.28 0.22% $241,548.28 0.22% - Municipal United States
74446EAA 74446EAA Public Finance Authority WI American Dream @ Meadowlands P 6.250 AUG 01 27 245,000 $237,037.50 0.21% $237,037.50 0.21% - Municipal United States
04780NMY 04780NMY Atlanta Development Authority/The GA Convertible Cabs-Class A Ctfs- 6.500 DEC 15 48 275,000 $236,183.23 0.21% $236,183.23 0.21% - Municipal United States
235641AM 235641AM Dalton Whitfield County Joint Dev Auth GA Hamilton Hlth Care System Obli 4.000 AUG 15 48 250,000 $235,385.06 0.21% $235,385.06 0.21% - Municipal United States
74529JQF 74529JQF PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 33 316,000 $229,933.89 0.21% $229,933.89 0.21% - Municipal United States
64972PAL 64972PAL NY City Industrial Development Agency Ref-Sr-Trips-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 28 220,000 $222,147.31 0.20% $222,147.30 0.20% - Municipal United States
88948ABA 88948ABA Toll Road Investors Partnership II LP 144A 0% FEB 15 25 204,000 $203,610.35 0.18% $203,610.35 0.18% - Corporate Debt United States
167510BJ 167510BJ Chicago Board of Education Dedicated Capital Improvement Tax IL 5.750 APR 01 48 185,000 $201,974.20 0.18% $201,974.21 0.18% - Municipal United States
108555GG 108555GG Village of Bridgeview IL Taxable-Stadium & Redev Projs BAC 5.140 DEC 01 36 220,000 $199,552.95 0.18% $199,552.95 0.18% - Municipal United States
57419TT7 57419TT7 Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ref-Social Bonds-Ser A 4.500 SEP 01 46 195,000 $198,674.64 0.18% $198,674.64 0.18% - Municipal United States
01728A3Z 01728A3Z Allegheny County Hospital Dev Authority PA Ref-Allegheny Hlth Network Obl 4.000 APR 01 44 210,000 $198,457.44 0.18% $198,457.44 0.18% - Municipal United States
4521526L 4521526L State of Illinois IL 5.500 MAY 01 39 180,000 $197,677.53 0.18% $197,677.53 0.18% - Municipal United States
708692BF 708692BF Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority PA Amt-Var-Waste Mgmt Inc Proj-Re VRB JUL 01 4 195,000 $196,670.54 0.18% $196,670.54 0.18% - Municipal United States
74529JRH 74529JRH Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2 4.329 JUL 01 40 196,000 $194,930.21 0.18% $194,930.21 0.18% - Municipal United States
74514L3J 74514L3J Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 5.750 JUL 01 31 150,816 $167,823.61 0.15% $167,823.61 0.15% - Municipal United States
40065FDF 40065FDF Guam Government Waterworks Authority GU Ser A 5.000 JAN 01 50 155,000 $159,167.10 0.14% $159,167.11 0.14% - Municipal United States
74514L3P 74514L3P Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 46 171,495 $154,707.17 0.14% $154,707.17 0.14% - Municipal United States
773008AR 773008AR Rockdale County Development Authority GA Amt-Ref-Pratt Paper Llc Projec 4.000 JAN 01 38 150,000 $145,762.60 0.13% $145,762.60 0.13% - Municipal United States
74526QZZ 74526QZZ Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 29 245,000 $134,750.00 0.12% $134,750.00 0.12% - Municipal United States
6262074F 6262074F Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia GA Ref-Sub-Ser A 5.000 JAN 01 38 125,000 $131,321.82 0.12% $131,321.82 0.12% - Municipal United States
40065FCH 40065FCH Guam Government Waterworks Authority GU 5.000 JAN 01 46 125,000 $126,323.30 0.11% $126,323.31 0.11% - Municipal United States
74514L3T 74514L3T Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Subser Cw Nt Claims-Cw Gty .000 NOV 01 43 191,510 $120,076.90 0.11% $120,076.90 0.11% - Municipal United States
88948ABM 88948ABM Toll Road Investors Partnership II LP 0% FEB 15 43 363,682 $107,286.13 0.10% $107,286.13 0.10% - Corporate Debt United States
462590MT 462590MT Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp IA Amt-Ref-Liquidity Corp-Sub-Ser 3.540 DEC 01 44 130,000 $104,580.67 0.09% $104,580.68 0.09% - Municipal United States
73360CAM 73360CAM Port Beaumont Navigation District TX Amt-Jefferson Gulf Coast Energ 144A 2.875 JAN 01 41 130,000 $102,877.17 0.09% $102,877.17 0.09% - Municipal United States
40065HDV 40065HDV Territory of Guam GU Ref-Section 30-Ser A 5.000 DEC 01 46 100,000 $101,638.72 0.09% $101,638.72 0.09% - Municipal United States
452153FL 452153FL State of Illinois IL Ser B 5.500 MAY 01 47 85,000 $92,895.91 0.08% $92,895.91 0.08% - Municipal United States
40065NCR 40065NCR Territory of Guam GU Ref-Ser F 4.000 JAN 01 42 90,000 $85,430.49 0.08% $85,430.49 0.08% - Municipal United States
74526QZN 74526QZN Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Ddd 5.000 JUL 01 22 155,000 $85,250.00 0.08% $85,250.00 0.08% - Municipal United States
74514L3L 74514L3L Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 35 85,068 $84,533.97 0.08% $84,533.97 0.08% - Municipal United States
74529JRJ 74529JRJ PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2-Converted 4.329 JUL 01 40 83,000 $82,546.98 0.07% $82,546.98 0.07% - Municipal United States
20775CTX 20775CTX Connecticut Housing Finance Authority CT Ref-Subseries C-1 4.000 NOV 15 47 80,000 $80,797.46 0.07% $80,825.80 0.07% - Municipal United States
74529JPW 74529JPW PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-1 4.750 JUL 01 53 82,000 $80,755.99 0.07% $80,755.99 0.07% - Municipal United States
167510BH 167510BH Chicago Board of Education Dedicated Capital Improvement Tax IL 5.000 APR 01 45 70,000 $73,041.00 0.07% $73,040.99 0.07% - Municipal United States
74526YGU 74526YGU Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Vv-Natl Non 5.250 JUL 01 30 70,000 $69,758.35 0.06% $69,758.35 0.06% - Municipal United States
74526QKX 74526QKX Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser Tt 5.000 JUL 01 37 125,000 $68,750.00 0.06% $68,750.00 0.06% - Municipal United States
74528NAU 74528NAU Puerto Rico Ind Tourist Ed Med & Env Ctl Facs Fing Auth Uni Plaz Pj-Ser A Nat Pub Fin 6.0 JUL 01 27 65,000 $65,320.79 0.06% $65,320.79 0.06% - Municipal United States
74514L3H 74514L3H Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 5.625 JUL 01 29 50,258 $54,165.27 0.05% $54,165.27 0.05% - Municipal United States
74526QYY 74526QYY Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser Ccc 5.250 JUL 01 27 95,000 $52,250.00 0.05% $52,250.00 0.05% - Municipal United States
74529JQG 74529JQG PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 46 145,000 $47,395.45 0.04% $47,395.45 0.04% - Municipal United States
57665NAB 57665NAB Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp VI Ref-Ser A 5.000 OCT 01 26 45,000 $46,783.21 0.04% $46,783.21 0.04% - Municipal United States
74514L3K 74514L3K Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 33 46,290 $46,183.88 0.04% $46,183.88 0.04% - Municipal United States
74514L3N 74514L3N Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 41 48,553 $46,025.73 0.04% $46,025.73 0.04% - Municipal United States
745272FP 745272FP Puerto Rico Ind Tourist Edu Med & Envirml Ctl Facs Fing Auth Ref-Intl American Uni 5.000 OCT 01 31 45,000 $45,807.66 0.04% $45,807.66 0.04% - Municipal United States
74514L3R 74514L3R Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Cabs-Ser A .000 JUL 01 33 59,571 $41,493.45 0.04% $41,493.45 0.04% - Municipal United States
944514RS 944514RS Wayne County Airport Authority MI Amt-Detroit Met Wayne Cnty Arp 5.000 DEC 01 44 40,000 $40,339.97 0.04% $40,339.97 0.04% - Municipal United States
74526QXN 74526QXN Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Zz 5.25 JUL 01 23 70,000 $38,500.00 0.03% $38,500.00 0.03% - Municipal United States
40065HDU 40065HDU Territory of Guam GU Ref-Section 30-Ser A 5.000 DEC 01 36 35,000 $35,848.58 0.03% $35,848.58 0.03% - Municipal United States
74514L3M 74514L3M Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 37 35,711 $35,020.52 0.03% $35,020.52 0.03% - Municipal United States
74526QZS 74526QZS Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Build America Bonds-Taxable-Se 6.050 JUL 01 32 60,000 $33,000.00 0.03% $33,000.00 0.03% - Municipal United States
944514QW 944514QW Wayne County Airport Authority MI Detroit Met Waynty Arpt-Ser B 5.000 DEC 01 44 30,000 $30,261.33 0.03% $30,261.33 0.03% - Municipal United States
944514RR 944514RR Wayne County Airport Authority MI Amt-Detroit Met Wayne Cnty Arp 5.000 DEC 01 39 25,000 $25,216.30 0.02% $25,216.30 0.02% - Municipal United States
74526QKR 74526QKR Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser Tt 5.000 JUL 01 23 45,000 $24,750.00 0.02% $24,750.00 0.02% - Municipal United States
74529JPV 74529JPV PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-1 4.550 JUL 01 40 24,000 $24,142.43 0.02% $24,142.43 0.02% - Municipal United States
19648FKT 19648FKT Colorado Health Facilities Authority CO Ref-Commonspirit Health-Ser A- 4.000 AUG 01 49 25,000 $23,032.26 0.02% $23,032.26 0.02% - Municipal United States
261333HE 261333HE Doylestown Hospital Authority PA Unrefunded-Doylestown Hospital 5.000 JUL 01 49 15,000 $15,339.73 0.01% $15,339.73 0.01% - Municipal United States
190778JR 190778JR Development Authority of Cobb County/The GA Prerefunded-Junior-Kennesaw St 5.000 JUL 15 30 10,000 $10,118.29 0.01% $10,118.30 0.01% - Municipal United States
74526YGW 74526YGW Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Vv-Natl Non 5.250 JUL 01 34 10,000 $9,934.53 0.01% $9,934.53 0.01% - Municipal United States
117250AD 117250AD City of Brunswick MD Brunswick Crossing Special Tax 4.000 JUL 01 29 10,000 $9,930.68 0.01% $9,930.69 0.01% - Municipal United States
117250AE 117250AE City of Brunswick MD Brunswick Crossing Special Tax 5.000 JUL 01 36 9,000 $9,175.64 0.01% $9,175.64 0.01% - Municipal United States
74529JQD 74529JQD PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 29 6,000 $5,136.28 0.00% $5,136.28 0.00% - Municipal United States
462590MS 462590MS Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp IA Amt-Ref-Ser B 5.000 DEC 01 39 5,000 $4,745.83 0.00% $4,745.83 0.00% - Municipal United States
CASH CASH Cash & Cash Equivalents - $500,378.63 0.45% $500,350.30 0.45% - - -

*Short positions, unlike long positions, lose value if the underlying asset gains value.

Portfolio characteristics are based on equivalent exposure, which measures how a portfolio's value would change due to price changes in an asset held either directly or, in the case of a derivative contract, indirectly. The market value of the holding may differ.

The list of portfolio holdings is as of the date shown and may not represent current or future portfolio composition. This information should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned.

This portfolio data has not been audited or adjusted for certain financial statement reclassifications. An audit could potentially result in adjustments to this data. For adjusted holdings information, please refer to the fund's quarterly portfolio holdings and semiannual reports. For audited portfolio holdings information, please refer to the fund's annual report.

A complete list of portfolio holdings for each MFS fund is generally available on mfs.com at the earliest, 19 days after the end of each month. Top 10 portfolio holdings are generally available at the earliest, 11 calendar days after the end of each month.

When posting a fund's top 10 securities holdings, if applicable, for funds with significant investments in both equity and debt instrument securities, the fund's top 10 equity and top 10 debt instrument securities will be made available. In addition, for funds that primarily invest in shares of MFS funds, when posting a fund's top 10 securities holdings, all of the following, as applicable, will be posted all securities positions in shares of MFS funds, top 10 aggregated equity securities contained within fund investments and top 10 aggregated debt instrument securities positions contained within underlying fund investments.


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The information provided on this page should be read in conjunction with the fund's prospectus or summary prospectus for the portfolio being offered, which are available online here or by contacting MFS. Consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses, and otherwise read these documents carefully before you invest. Shares of the funds are not FDIC-insured and are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, any bank. Shares of the funds involve investment risk, including possible loss of principal. 

MFS registered investment products are offered through MFS® Fund Distributors, Inc., Member SIPC, 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02199.

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