For Financial Advisors, RIAs, Analysts, Institutional Clients and Consultants only
Please make the necessary corrections below:
For Shareholders Only
Access your MFS mutual fund, IRA, 529 savings plan accounts, quarterly statements, and sign up for eDelivery.
LoginIf you check this box, anyone using the computer you are working from now will be able to enter your homepage without having to know or enter your user name and password.
If you are working in a public space, such as a library, you would not want to select this option. You also might decide against this option if you visit the MFS site from work and others have access to your computer.
If you do NOT click this box, you will have to enter your user name and password each time you wish to view your homepage. Regardless of what computer you are using, NOT clicking the box is the more secure choice for you to make.
Update Address
Keeping your address up-to-date ensures that you receive fund documents and account statements in a timely manner.
Update Account Name
Notifying MFS of a name change ensures that account statements, tax forms, and checks are issued with the correct shareholder name.
Update/Add Automatic Investment
Automatic investing is a disciplined way to add to your account. MFS' plan offers a simple way to make regular investments of any amount through automatic withdrawals from your checking or savings accounts.
Update/Add Systematic Withdrawal
MFS offers you the convenience and flexibility to update/add a systematic withdrawal plan on your account.
Update/Add Check Writing
Check writing is available for many MFS bond and money market mutual funds.
Add Rights of Accumulation (ROA) or Letter of Intent (LOI)
Information on Letter of Intent (LOI) and Rights of Accumulation (ROA) account options.
Update Beneficiary
To ensure that your beneficiary information is accurate/up-to-date, it is important to notify MFS of any updates to your beneficiary information.
Transfer on Death
An account registration available to persons owning shares in a single name, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship (JTWROS), and Tenants by Entireties (TEN BY ENT), who want the names of one or more persons listed as beneficiaries in the account registration.
Go Paperless With eDelivery
MFS offers you the convenience and flexibility of signing up for eDelivery on your account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, online via MFS Access.