Full & Historical Holdings

Maryland Municipal Bond Fund

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Based on Market Value Based on Equivalent Exposure
CUSIP/SEDOL Ticker Securities
(on 01-31-25)
Shares or Par Amount Value Percent of Net Assets Value Percent of Net Assets Market Cap ($mm) GICS Sectors

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574193PD 574193PD State of Maryland MD Ref-Ser B 5.000 AUG 01 25 2,055,000 $2,129,782.27 1.63% $2,129,782.27 1.63% - Municipal United States
57420PHE 57420PHE Maryland Economic Development Corp MD Reservoir Square Proj 5.000 JUL 01 56 2,000,000 $2,043,202.07 1.56% $2,043,202.07 1.56% - Municipal United States
03588HKP 03588HKP County of Anne Arundel MD Cons Gen Impt 5.000 APR 01 33 1,895,000 $1,931,268.53 1.47% $1,931,268.53 1.47% - Municipal United States
574296BR 574296BR Maryland Stadium Authority MD Construction & Revitalization 5.000 MAY 01 35 1,725,000 $1,830,132.88 1.40% $1,830,132.88 1.40% - Municipal United States
74529JPX 74529JPX PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-1 5.000 JUL 01 58 1,817,000 $1,824,018.10 1.39% $1,824,018.10 1.39% - Municipal United States
93878YCN 93878YCN Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Dedicated Revenue DC Green Bond-Ser A 5.000 JUL 15 40 1,500,000 $1,642,345.38 1.25% $1,642,345.38 1.25% - Municipal United States
574294CS 574294CS Maryland Stadium Authority Built To Learn Bonds MD 5.000 JUN 01 46 1,500,000 $1,625,980.33 1.24% $1,625,980.33 1.24% - Municipal United States
592647KW 592647KW Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Aviation Revenue DC Amt-Ref-Ser A 5.000 OCT 01 25 1,525,000 $1,569,987.76 1.20% $1,569,987.75 1.20% - Municipal United States
741705HL 741705HL County of Prince George's MD Univ Of Maryland Capital Regio 5.000 OCT 01 48 1,500,000 $1,569,773.35 1.20% $1,569,773.35 1.20% - Municipal United States
05914FU6 05914FU6 County of Baltimore MD Met Dist Bds 80Th Issue 4.000 MAR 01 45 1,500,000 $1,508,797.00 1.15% $1,508,797.00 1.15% - Municipal United States
574294BS 574294BS Maryland Stadium Authority Built to Learn Revenue MD Ser A 4.000 JUN 01 41 1,500,000 $1,495,613.50 1.14% $1,495,613.50 1.14% - Municipal United States
44256PTH 44256PTH County of Howard MD MD Met Dist Proj-Ser C 4.000 FEB 15 48 1,500,000 $1,492,972.42 1.14% $1,492,972.42 1.14% - Municipal United States
57419TCD 57419TCD Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ser D 3.350 JUL 01 49 1,765,000 $1,455,586.79 1.11% $1,455,586.79 1.11% - Municipal United States
03588JAY 03588JAY County of Anne Arundel MD Consol Gen Impt Bonds 5.000 OCT 01 45 1,315,000 $1,448,693.77 1.11% $1,448,693.77 1.11% - Municipal United States
574217RK 574217RK Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Auth MD Pkg-Johns Hopkins Med Instns AMBAC 5.000 JUL 01 34 1,385,000 $1,401,878.39 1.07% $1,401,878.39 1.07% - Municipal United States
574294AV 574294AV Maryland Stadium Authority Built to Learn Revenue MD Built To Learn 4.000 JUN 01 46 1,405,000 $1,366,842.40 1.04% $1,366,842.40 1.04% - Municipal United States
5742162Z 5742162Z Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Auth MD Medlantic Helix Issue-Ser A AGMC 5.250 AUG 15 38 1,155,000 $1,329,820.84 1.02% $1,329,820.84 1.02% - Municipal United States
5742188B 5742188B Maryland Health & Higher Ed Facilities Auth MD Peninsula Regional Health Syst 5.000 JUL 01 33 1,205,000 $1,277,932.10 0.98% $1,277,932.10 0.98% - Municipal United States
61336PEV 61336PEV County of Montgomery MD Trinity Hlth Corp-Ser 2016Md 5.000 DEC 01 45 1,240,000 $1,257,272.62 0.96% $1,257,272.62 0.96% - Municipal United States
20364NCJ 20364NCJ Maryland Community Development Admin MD Sustainable Bonds-Villages At FNMA COLL 4.350 FEB 01 44 1,250,000 $1,237,300.88 0.94% $1,237,300.88 0.94% - Municipal United States
574039QU 574039QU Maryland Community Dev Admin Local Gov Infrastructure MD Subordinate-Ser A-2 4.000 JUN 01 36 1,210,000 $1,231,596.89 0.94% $1,231,596.89 0.94% - Municipal United States
57421CHU 57421CHU Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Authority MD Ref-University Of Maryland Med 5.250 JUL 01 52 750,000 $804,095.92 0.61% $1,197,845.92 0.91% - Municipal United States
5742184J 5742184J Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Auth MD Univ Of Md Medical System Issu 4.000 JUL 01 48 1,250,000 $1,172,581.92 0.90% $1,172,581.92 0.90% - Municipal United States
938782GP 938782GP Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority DC 5.000 JUL 01 43 1,140,000 $1,167,741.29 0.89% $1,167,741.29 0.89% - Municipal United States
61334PEV 61334PEV County of Montgomery MD Ser A 5.000 AUG 01 35 1,000,000 $1,151,093.40 0.88% $1,151,093.40 0.88% - Municipal United States
57421CCR 57421CCR Maryland Health & Higher Ed Facilities AutH MD Greater Baltimore Medical Cent 4.000 JUL 01 39 1,145,000 $1,144,704.63 0.87% $1,144,704.63 0.87% - Municipal United States
57419UMP 57419UMP Maryland Department of Housing & Comm Dev Ref-Sustainable Ser E MD GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC 6.250 SEP 01 55 1,000,000 $1,137,972.67 0.87% $1,137,972.67 0.87% - Municipal United States
613352CN 613352CN Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission MD Ser C 5.500 JAN 01 48 1,000,000 $1,112,588.53 0.85% $1,112,588.53 0.85% - Municipal United States
574300PU 574300PU Maryland State Transportation Authority MD Ref-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 43 1,000,000 $1,103,302.37 0.84% $1,103,302.37 0.84% - Municipal United States
57419T6W 57419T6W Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ref-Sustainable Bonds-Ser E 6.250 MAR 01 54 975,000 $1,086,325.08 0.83% $1,086,325.08 0.83% - Municipal United States
57430AAV 57430AAV Maryland Stadium Auth Sports Entertainment Facilities Rev MD Hagerstown Proj-Ser A 5.250 JUN 15 52 1,000,000 $1,075,163.03 0.82% $1,075,163.03 0.82% - Municipal United States
57421FBW 57421FBW State of Maryland Department of Transportation MD Amt-Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airp AGC 5.250 AUG 01 49 1,000,000 $1,071,415.47 0.82% $1,071,415.47 0.82% - Municipal United States
741705HH 741705HH County of Prince George's MD Univ Of Maryland Capital Regio 5.000 OCT 01 37 1,000,000 $1,065,480.77 0.81% $1,065,480.77 0.81% - Municipal United States
57419TTM 57419TTM Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ser B 2.100 SEP 01 41 1,500,000 $1,065,299.10 0.81% $1,065,299.10 0.81% - Municipal United States
57421FBX 57421FBX State of Maryland Department of Transportation MD Amt-Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airp AGC 5.250 AUG 01 54 1,000,000 $1,063,353.67 0.81% $1,063,353.67 0.81% - Municipal United States
6133498R 6133498R Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission MD Ref-Ser A 5.750 JUL 01 54 980,000 $1,062,100.84 0.81% $1,062,100.84 0.81% - Municipal United States
574218VA 574218VA Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority MD Ref-Medstar Health Inc 5.000 AUG 15 33 1,030,000 $1,054,733.03 0.81% $1,054,733.04 0.81% - Municipal United States
57421CGA 57421CGA Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Authority MD Ref-Maryland Institute College 5.500 JUN 01 47 1,000,000 $1,048,692.67 0.80% $1,048,692.67 0.80% - Municipal United States
57420MAS 57420MAS Maryland Economic Development Corp MD Amt-Air Cargo Obligated Group- 4.000 JUL 01 39 1,100,000 $1,046,364.48 0.80% $1,046,364.48 0.80% - Municipal United States
059134EM 059134EM County of Baltimore MD MD Equipment Acquisition Program 5.000 MAR 01 26 1,000,000 $1,045,335.43 0.80% $1,045,335.43 0.80% - Municipal United States
5742185T 5742185T MD Health & Higher Edu Facs Auth Ref-Loyola University-Ser A 5.000 OCT 01 49 1,000,000 $1,040,740.47 0.79% $1,040,740.47 0.79% - Municipal United States
574218V5 574218V5 Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Auth MD Ref-Univ Md Med Sys-Ser B 5.000 JUL 01 34 1,000,000 $1,038,517.37 0.79% $1,038,517.37 0.79% - Municipal United States
57419T6V 57419T6V Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ref-Sustainable Bonds-Ser E 5.100 MAR 01 48 1,000,000 $1,036,911.90 0.79% $1,036,911.90 0.79% - Municipal United States
97689RFB 97689RFB Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority WI M-Tems-Flats At Bishop Wods Ap 4.750 JUN 01 43 1,000,000 $1,034,732.03 0.79% $1,034,732.03 0.79% - Municipal United States
57419TH3 57419TH3 Maryland Community Development Administration MD Cmty Dev Admin-Social Bonds-Se 5.050 MAR 01 47 1,000,000 $1,033,916.57 0.79% $1,033,916.57 0.79% - Municipal United States
57421CGZ 57421CGZ Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Authority MD Ref-Loyola University Maryland 5.000 OCT 01 54 1,000,000 $1,033,054.18 0.79% $1,033,054.18 0.79% - Municipal United States
57419TT8 57419TT8 Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ref-Social Bonds-Ser A 5.500 SEP 01 53 945,000 $1,032,840.08 0.79% $1,032,840.08 0.79% - Municipal United States
574294BM 574294BM Maryland Stadium Authority Built to Learn Revenue MD 4.000 JUN 01 36 1,000,000 $1,030,972.87 0.79% $1,030,972.87 0.79% - Municipal United States
61334MVE 61334MVE Montgomery County MD Housing Opportunites Commission Hsg Dev-Ser C-Rmkt 5.125 JUL 01 37 1,000,000 $1,023,755.23 0.78% $1,023,755.23 0.78% - Municipal United States
574218T5 574218T5 Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Auth MD Trinity Health Credit-Ser 2017 5.000 DEC 01 46 1,000,000 $1,023,701.83 0.78% $1,023,701.83 0.78% - Municipal United States
57420VRL 57420VRL Maryland Economic Development Corp MD Morgan State Univ Proj 5.000 JUL 01 50 1,000,000 $1,017,303.67 0.78% $1,017,303.67 0.78% - Municipal United States
57419PCJ 57419PCJ Maryland Community Development Administration MD Var-Amt-Residential-Ser J-Remk 3.380 SEP 01 40 1,000,000 $1,013,651.66 0.77% $1,013,651.66 0.77% - Municipal United States
448600BL 448600BL City of Hyattsville MD 5.000 JAN 01 49 1,000,000 $1,006,801.47 0.77% $1,006,801.47 0.77% - Municipal United States
57419TH4 57419TH4 Maryland Community Development Administration MD Cmty Dev Admin-Social Bonds-Se 6.000 MAR 01 53 915,000 $998,835.04 0.76% $998,835.04 0.76% - Municipal United States
035898CG 035898CG County of Anne Arundel MD Ref-The Village At Two Rivers AGC 4.250 JUL 01 44 1,000,000 $989,498.70 0.76% $989,498.70 0.76% - Municipal United States
57421CCT 57421CCT Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facs Auth MD Greater Baltimore Medical Cent 4.000 JUL 01 41 1,000,000 $980,989.63 0.75% $980,989.63 0.75% - Municipal United States
57419UJD 57419UJD Maryland Department Of Housing & Community Development MD Sustainable Bonds-Ser D 3.100 APR 01 26 975,000 $978,687.58 0.75% $978,687.58 0.75% - Municipal United States
928104PG 928104PG Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Amt-Ref-Senior Lien-95 Express 5.000 JAN 01 35 915,000 $971,846.45 0.74% $971,846.45 0.74% - Municipal United States
5742187L 5742187L Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority MD Upmc Issue-Ser B 4.000 APR 15 45 995,000 $959,328.63 0.73% $959,328.63 0.73% - Municipal United States
5742184G 5742184G Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority MD Ref-Lifebridge Health 4.000 JUL 01 42 1,000,000 $958,948.03 0.73% $958,948.03 0.73% - Municipal United States
613347LE 613347LE Montgomery County Housing Opp Comm MD Amt-Ref-Barclay Apts And Sprin 3.100 JUL 01 36 1,065,000 $957,645.27 0.73% $957,645.27 0.73% - Municipal United States
59261AJ9 59261AJ9 Metropolitan Transportation Authority NY Ref-Green Bond-Ser E 4.000 NOV 15 45 1,000,000 $952,654.94 0.73% $952,654.94 0.73% - Municipal United States
57421CAC 57421CAC Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Auth MD Ref-Frederick Health System 4.000 JUL 01 45 1,000,000 $926,673.23 0.71% $926,673.23 0.71% - Municipal United States
574218UW 574218UW Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Ref-Medstar Health Inc MD 5.000 AUG 15 29 900,000 $922,219.25 0.70% $922,219.25 0.70% - Municipal United States
059151CL 059151CL County of Baltimore MD Ref-Oak Crest Village Inc Faci 4.000 JAN 01 45 1,000,000 $904,168.23 0.69% $904,168.23 0.69% - Municipal United States
741705JG 741705JG County of Prince George's MD Cops-Suitland Public Infrastru 3.000 OCT 01 38 1,000,000 $904,073.20 0.69% $904,073.20 0.69% - Municipal United States
44256PN5 44256PN5 County of Howard MD Met Dist Proj Bonds-Ser B 3.000 AUG 15 51 1,155,000 $899,565.67 0.69% $899,565.67 0.69% - Municipal United States
88035JVS 88035JVS Tender Option Bond Trust Receipts/Certificates Residuals-Ser 2024-Xf3258 MD 5.250 JUN 01 51 750,000 $887,264.11 0.68% $887,264.11 0.68% - Municipal United States
57419TDJ 57419TDJ Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ser C 3.000 SEP 01 39 1,000,000 $875,325.30 0.67% $875,325.30 0.67% - Municipal United States
35571LBN 35571LBN County of Frederick MD Ref-Senior-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 26 815,000 $839,858.94 0.64% $839,858.94 0.64% - Municipal United States
64971XQM 64971XQM NYC Transitional Fin Auth Future Tax Secured Rev NY Future Tax Subordinate Bonds-S 4.000 MAY 01 45 850,000 $831,755.77 0.64% $831,755.77 0.64% - Municipal United States
57419TVL 57419TVL Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ref-Social Bonds-Ser C 3.000 SEP 01 51 830,000 $823,311.28 0.63% $823,311.28 0.63% - Municipal United States
442599AY 442599AY County of Howard MD Ref-Annapolis Junction Town Ce 5.000 FEB 15 44 750,000 $804,688.17 0.61% $804,688.17 0.61% - Municipal United States
57421CGK 57421CGK Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Lifebridge Health Issue MD 5.250 JUL 01 54 750,000 $800,996.18 0.61% $800,996.18 0.61% - Municipal United States
613347HX 613347HX Montgomery County Housing Opportunites Commission MD Ser A-1 3.050 JUL 01 44 1,000,000 $799,435.67 0.61% $799,435.67 0.61% - Municipal United States
57420VTK 57420VTK Maryland Economic Development Corp MD College Park Leonardtown Proje 5.250 JUL 01 64 AGM 750,000 $787,904.25 0.60% $787,904.25 0.60% - Municipal United States
57421CBT 57421CBT Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Auth MD Ref-Adventist Healthcare 5.000 JAN 01 36 750,000 $784,087.78 0.60% $784,087.78 0.60% - Municipal United States
5742182P 5742182P Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Auth MD Medstar Hlth Issue-Ser A 5.000 MAY 15 42 750,000 $771,785.90 0.59% $771,785.89 0.59% - Municipal United States
442577DT 442577DT Howard County Housing Commission MD Woodfield Oxford Sq Apts 5.000 DEC 01 37 750,000 $771,386.72 0.59% $771,386.72 0.59% - Municipal United States
13013JCM 13013JCM California Community Choice Financing Authority CA Variable-Green Bonds-Ser C 5.250 JAN 01 54 720,000 $767,918.66 0.59% $767,918.66 0.59% - Municipal United States
574218Y8 574218Y8 Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Authority MD Ref-Doctors Community Hospital 5.000 JUL 01 34 750,000 $767,209.92 0.59% $767,209.92 0.59% - Municipal United States
57420VPB 57420VPB Maryland Economic Development Corp MD Ref-Univ Md Clg Park Projs AGMC 5.000 JUN 01 35 750,000 $766,663.60 0.59% $766,663.60 0.59% - Municipal United States
574218YM 574218YM Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority MD Ref-Lifebridge Hlth 5.000 JUL 01 28 750,000 $759,698.15 0.58% $759,698.15 0.58% - Municipal United States
88035JPD 88035JPD Tender Option Bond Trust Receipts/Certificates DC Drivers-Ser 2024-Xf1745 6.910 JUL 15 59 655,000 $758,728.52 0.58% $758,728.53 0.58% - Municipal United States
84136FBT 84136FBT Southeast Energy Authority A Cooperative District AL Proj #5-Ser A 5.250 JAN 01 54 665,000 $702,210.61 0.54% $702,210.61 0.54% - Municipal United States
57420NBY 57420NBY Maryland Economic Development Corp MD Ref-Transptrn Facs Proj-Ser A 5.000 JUN 01 31 650,000 $681,862.44 0.52% $681,862.44 0.52% - Municipal United States
650116GZ 650116GZ New York Transportation Development Corp NY Amt-Sustainable Bond-Jfk Inter AGM 5.125 JUN 30 60 655,000 $674,218.68 0.51% $674,218.68 0.51% - Municipal United States
57421CCJ 57421CCJ Maryland Health & Higher Ed Facilities Authority MD Ref-Stevenson University Proj- 4.000 JUN 01 46 750,000 $673,795.02 0.51% $673,795.02 0.51% - Municipal United States
937752AR 937752AR County of Washington MD Ref-Diakon Lutheran Social Min 5.000 JAN 01 32 575,000 $619,689.21 0.47% $619,689.21 0.47% - Municipal United States
847113CG 847113CG Spartanburg Regional Health Services District SC Ref-Ser A 4.000 APR 15 43 630,000 $615,018.21 0.47% $615,018.21 0.47% - Municipal United States
574218B5 574218B5 Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Authority MD Ref-Mercy Medical Center-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 32 600,000 $613,860.52 0.47% $613,860.52 0.47% - Municipal United States
65000BNG 65000BNG New York State Dormitory Authority NY Ref-Northwell Hlth Oblig Grp-S 4.250 MAY 01 52 590,000 $564,601.92 0.43% $564,601.92 0.43% - Municipal United States
05922KK5 05922KK5 City of Baltimore MD Water Proj-Ser A 4.000 JUL 01 38 550,000 $555,307.30 0.42% $555,307.30 0.42% - Municipal United States
64972EA7 64972EA7 New York City Housing Development Corp NY Ref-Sustainable Development Bo 2.450 NOV 01 45 765,000 $536,782.37 0.41% $536,782.37 0.41% - Municipal United States
613352CP 613352CP Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission MD Ser C 5.125 JAN 01 53 500,000 $532,239.22 0.41% $532,239.22 0.41% - Municipal United States
5742188D 5742188D Maryland Hlth & Higher Educational Facilities Auth MD Peninsula Regional Health Syst 5.000 JUL 01 35 500,000 $529,653.23 0.40% $529,653.23 0.40% - Municipal United States
574296BU 574296BU Maryland Stadium Authority MD Construction & Revitalization 5.000 MAY 01 38 500,000 $527,354.00 0.40% $527,354.00 0.40% - Municipal United States
442577ET 442577ET Howard County Housing Commission MD Sustainable Bond-Orchard Meado 5.000 DEC 01 43 500,000 $524,153.07 0.40% $524,153.07 0.40% - Municipal United States
574296AW 574296AW Maryland Stadium Authority MD Baltimore City Public Schools 5.000 MAY 01 41 500,000 $520,018.10 0.40% $520,018.10 0.40% - Municipal United States
92812WMR 92812WMR Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser F 5.150 NOV 01 48 500,000 $519,461.85 0.40% $519,461.85 0.40% - Municipal United States
574218NS 574218NS MD Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Medstar Hlth-Ser A 5.000 AUG 15 41 505,000 $516,751.08 0.39% $516,751.08 0.39% - Municipal United States
84136HAU 84136HAU Southeast Energy Authority A Cooperative District AL Ser A 5.000 NOV 01 35 485,000 $513,714.26 0.39% $513,714.25 0.39% - Municipal United States
05923TBY 05923TBY City of Baltimore MD MD Ref-E Baltimore Research Park 5.000 SEP 01 38 500,000 $513,717.42 0.39% $513,717.42 0.39% - Municipal United States
57420NCU 57420NCU Maryland Economic Development Corp MD Amt-Seagirt Marine Terminal Pr 5.000 JUN 01 44 500,000 $512,887.27 0.39% $512,887.27 0.39% - Municipal United States
16675BBN 16675BBN Town of Cheverly MD 4.500 NOV 01 47 490,000 $511,910.69 0.39% $511,910.69 0.39% - Municipal United States
117250AE 117250AE City of Brunswick MD Brunswick Crossing Special Tax 5.000 JUL 01 36 500,000 $509,757.98 0.39% $509,757.98 0.39% - Municipal United States
57419TT6 57419TT6 Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ref-Social Bonds-Ser A 4.450 SEP 01 43 500,000 $508,942.88 0.39% $508,942.88 0.39% - Municipal United States
574218RT 574218RT Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority MD Ref-Loyola Univ 5.000 OCT 01 32 500,000 $508,391.63 0.39% $508,391.63 0.39% - Municipal United States
414009RR 414009RR Harris County Cultural Ed Facilities Finance Corp TX Ref-Memorial Hermann Hlth Sys- 4.125 JUL 01 52 540,000 $506,691.23 0.39% $506,691.23 0.39% - Municipal United States
574218M4 574218M4 Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Auth MD Ref-Charlestown Cmnty-Ser A 5.000 JAN 01 45 500,000 $506,280.73 0.39% $506,280.73 0.39% - Municipal United States
70868YAX 70868YAX Pennsylvania Economic Dev Financing Authority PA Amt-The Penndot Major Bridges AGM 5.000 DEC 31 57 490,000 $505,959.67 0.39% $505,959.67 0.39% - Municipal United States
574218XQ 574218XQ Maryland Health & Higher Educ Facilities Authority MD Ref-Meritus Medical Center Iss 5.000 JUL 01 27 500,000 $505,193.13 0.39% $505,193.13 0.39% - Municipal United States
442577BG 442577BG Howard County Housing Commission MD Columbia Commons Apts-Ser A 5.000 JUN 01 44 500,000 $504,280.27 0.39% $504,280.27 0.39% - Municipal United States
442593AX 442593AX County of Howard MD Ref-Vantage House Fac 5.000 APR 01 36 500,000 $503,731.28 0.38% $503,731.28 0.38% - Municipal United States
613352BX 613352BX Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission MD Ref-Ser-A 4.850 JUL 01 53 500,000 $497,533.68 0.38% $497,533.68 0.38% - Municipal United States
788216EW 788216EW St Clair County Board of Education AL 15 Mill Moody Tax-Ser A BAM 4.125 FEB 01 48 500,000 $492,869.70 0.38% $492,869.70 0.38% - Municipal United States
5742182G 5742182G Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Auth MD Ref-Goucher College-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 44 500,000 $492,564.78 0.38% $492,564.78 0.38% - Municipal United States
574204R9 574204R9 State of Maryland Department of Transportation MD Ser A 3.000 OCT 01 33 500,000 $481,755.05 0.37% $481,755.05 0.37% - Municipal United States
574296DU 574296DU Maryland Stadium Authority MD Cabs-Ser C .000 MAY 01 54 2,000,000 $480,916.80 0.37% $480,916.80 0.37% - Municipal United States
592643DR 592643DR Metro Wash Airports Auth Dulles Toll Road Rev DC Ref-Dulles Metrorail & Capital AGM 4.000 OCT 01 52 500,000 $465,962.17 0.36% $465,962.17 0.36% - Municipal United States
57419R6S 57419R6S Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ser B 3.650 JUL 01 49 505,000 $461,916.56 0.35% $461,916.56 0.35% - Municipal United States
57419RZ6 57419RZ6 Maryland Community Development Administration MD Hsg-Ser A 4.000 JUL 01 48 500,000 $461,254.32 0.35% $461,254.32 0.35% - Municipal United States
882555ZR 882555ZR Texas Municipal Power Agency TX Ref AGM 2.000 SEP 01 33 555,000 $460,297.93 0.35% $460,297.93 0.35% - Municipal United States
574218E7 574218E7 Maryland Health & Higher Edu Facilities Authority MD Ref-Maryland Institute College 5.000 JUN 01 33 450,000 $458,293.70 0.35% $458,293.70 0.35% - Municipal United States
89602HBZ 89602HBZ Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority NY Senior Lien-Ser C-3 3.000 MAY 15 51 600,000 $457,789.94 0.35% $457,789.94 0.35% - Municipal United States
938782GM 938782GM Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority DC 5.000 JUL 01 37 440,000 $455,684.88 0.35% $455,684.89 0.35% - Municipal United States
938782GN 938782GN Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority DC 5.000 JUL 01 38 440,000 $454,574.76 0.35% $454,574.77 0.35% - Municipal United States
355612AD 355612AD County of Frederick Ref-Oakdale-Lake Linganore Pro MD 3.750 JUL 01 39 500,000 $449,200.55 0.34% $449,200.55 0.34% - Municipal United States
059151DF 059151DF County of Baltimore MD Ref-Riderwood Village Inc Proj 4.000 JAN 01 38 450,000 $446,436.92 0.34% $446,436.92 0.34% - Municipal United States
880397CF 880397CF Tennergy Corp/TN Gas Supply Rev Bonds-Ser A 5.500 OCT 01 53 410,000 $439,496.12 0.34% $439,496.12 0.34% - Municipal United States
70342PAR 70342PAR Patriots Energy Group Financing Agency SC Ref-Var-Ser-B-1 5.250 FEB 01 54 400,000 $439,412.36 0.34% $439,412.36 0.34% - Municipal United States
57422FAF 57422FAF Maryland Economic Development Corp MD Port Covington Proj 144A 4.000 SEP 01 50 500,000 $430,228.88 0.33% $430,228.88 0.33% - Municipal United States
61336RBV 61336RBV Montgomery County Revenue Authority MD Ref-A 5.000 NOV 01 36 415,000 $423,416.37 0.32% $423,416.37 0.32% - Municipal United States
032555QY 032555QY Anaheim City School District/CA AGM 4.000 AUG 01 48 405,000 $410,234.99 0.31% $410,234.99 0.31% - Municipal United States
646080WP 646080WP New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority NJ Senior-Amt-Ser B 4.000 DEC 01 41 385,000 $381,972.77 0.29% $381,972.77 0.29% - Municipal United States
118217CX 118217CX Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Auth OH Ref-Senior-Ser A-2-Class 1 4.000 JUN 01 48 410,000 $369,054.14 0.28% $369,054.15 0.28% - Municipal United States
774223BV 774223BV City of Rockville MD Ingelside At King Farm Proj-Se 5.000 NOV 01 42 350,000 $348,448.06 0.27% $348,448.06 0.27% - Municipal United States
57584YL6 57584YL6 Massachusetts Development Finance Agency MA Suffolk Univ Proj 4.000 JUL 01 51 420,000 $331,407.15 0.25% $331,407.15 0.25% - Municipal United States
57420NAW 57420NAW MD Economic Development Corp Lutheran World Relief/Refugee 5.250 APR 01 29 315,000 $320,666.63 0.24% $320,666.63 0.24% - Municipal United States
64972PAL 64972PAL NY City Industrial Development Agency Ref-Sr-Trips-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 28 315,000 $318,074.55 0.24% $318,074.55 0.24% - Municipal United States
57420VJN 57420VJN MD Economic Development Corp Salisbury Univ Proj 5.000 JUN 01 27 315,000 $317,765.27 0.24% $317,765.27 0.24% - Municipal United States
57420VJP 57420VJP MD Economic Development Corp Salisbury Univ Proj 5.000 JUN 01 30 300,000 $302,571.73 0.23% $302,571.73 0.23% - Municipal United States
118217CZ 118217CZ Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Auth OH Ref-Senior-Class 2-Ser B-2 5.000 JUN 01 55 320,000 $290,485.68 0.22% $290,485.67 0.22% - Municipal United States
442599AG 442599AG County of Howard MD MD Ser A-Downtown Columbia Proj 4.500 FEB 15 47 300,000 $286,404.42 0.22% $286,404.42 0.22% - Municipal United States
63607WAC 63607WAC New Hampshire Business Finance Authority NH Ser 2022-1-Cl A-Social Bond 4.375 SEP 20 36 278,221 $277,750.99 0.21% $277,750.99 0.21% - Municipal United States
167505YC 167505YC Chicago Board of Education IL Ser A 4.000 DEC 01 47 325,000 $276,726.64 0.21% $276,726.63 0.21% - Municipal United States
38122ND8 38122ND8 Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp CA Txbl-Ref-Subordinate Bonds-Ser 3.850 JUN 01 50 295,000 $273,212.80 0.21% $273,212.79 0.21% - Municipal United States
74529JQE 74529JQE PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 31 338,000 $267,026.56 0.20% $267,026.56 0.20% - Municipal United States
74529JRL 74529JRL Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2 4.784 JUL 01 58 267,000 $263,780.34 0.20% $263,780.34 0.20% - Municipal United States
05923TCY 05923TCY City of Baltimore MD Sub-Harbor Point Proj-Ser B 3.875 JUN 01 46 300,000 $255,379.87 0.20% $255,379.87 0.20% - Municipal United States
57420NCV 57420NCV Maryland Economic Development Corp MD Amt-Seagirt Marine Terminal Pr 5.000 JUN 01 49 250,000 $254,568.18 0.19% $254,568.18 0.19% - Municipal United States
25483VUV 25483VUV District of Columbia DC Rocketship Dc Obligated Group- 5.000 JUN 01 39 250,000 $252,554.98 0.19% $252,554.98 0.19% - Municipal United States
35571QAB 35571QAB County of Frederick MD Ref-Jefferson Technology Park 5.000 JUL 01 43 250,000 $252,538.47 0.19% $252,538.47 0.19% - Municipal United States
167510BJ 167510BJ Chicago Board of Education Dedicated Capital Improvement Tax IL 5.750 APR 01 48 225,000 $245,644.30 0.19% $245,644.30 0.19% - Municipal United States
355612AE 355612AE County of Frederick MD Ref-Jefferson Technology Park 4.625 JUL 01 43 250,000 $244,097.02 0.19% $244,097.02 0.19% - Municipal United States
649519DA 649519DA New York Liberty Development Corp NY Ref-Class 1-3 World Trade Ctr 5.000 NOV 15 44 240,000 $242,699.36 0.19% $242,699.37 0.19% - Municipal United States
74529JQF 74529JQF PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 33 332,000 $241,576.11 0.18% $241,576.11 0.18% - Municipal United States
708692BF 708692BF Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority PA Amt-Var-Waste Mgmt Inc Proj-Re VRB JUL 01 4 230,000 $231,970.38 0.18% $231,970.38 0.18% - Municipal United States
57421CCK 57421CCK Maryland Health & Higher Ed Facilities Authority MD Ref-Stevenson University Proj- 4.000 JUN 01 51 250,000 $219,028.54 0.17% $219,028.54 0.17% - Municipal United States
57419TVF 57419TVF Maryland Community Development Administration MD Ref-Social Bonds-Ser C 2.100 MAR 01 33 250,000 $213,226.25 0.16% $213,226.25 0.16% - Municipal United States
108555GG 108555GG Village of Bridgeview IL Taxable-Stadium & Redev Projs BAC 5.140 DEC 01 36 225,000 $204,088.24 0.16% $204,088.24 0.16% - Municipal United States
4521527E 4521527E State of Illinois IL Ser C 4.000 OCT 01 40 205,000 $200,349.31 0.15% $200,349.32 0.15% - Municipal United States
4521526L 4521526L State of Illinois IL 5.500 MAY 01 39 160,000 $175,713.36 0.13% $175,713.36 0.13% - Municipal United States
88948ABA 88948ABA Toll Road Investors Partnership II LP 144A 0% FEB 15 25 165,000 $164,684.84 0.13% $164,684.84 0.13% - Corporate Debt United States
35571LCD 35571LCD County of Frederick MD Ref-Sub-Ser B 4.000 JUL 01 40 170,000 $161,269.96 0.12% $161,269.96 0.12% - Municipal United States
74529JRH 74529JRH Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2 4.329 JUL 01 40 160,000 $159,126.70 0.12% $159,126.70 0.12% - Municipal United States
649519EN 649519EN New York Liberty Development Corp NY Ref-Ser 1Wtc 2.750 FEB 15 44 190,000 $144,370.49 0.11% $144,370.48 0.11% - Municipal United States
74526QZZ 74526QZZ Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 29 250,000 $137,500.00 0.10% $137,500.00 0.10% - Municipal United States
74514L3P 74514L3P Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 46 150,243 $135,535.55 0.10% $135,535.55 0.10% - Municipal United States
74514L3J 74514L3J Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 5.750 JUL 01 31 121,739 $135,467.57 0.10% $135,467.58 0.10% - Municipal United States
40065FDF 40065FDF Guam Government Waterworks Authority GU Ser A 5.000 JAN 01 50 130,000 $133,495.00 0.10% $133,494.99 0.10% - Municipal United States
15051PAZ 15051PAZ Cedar Port Navigation & Improvement District TX 4.500 SEP 01 48 130,000 $130,426.61 0.10% $130,426.61 0.10% - Municipal United States
74446EAA 74446EAA Public Finance Authority WI American Dream @ Meadowlands P 6.250 AUG 01 27 120,000 $116,100.00 0.09% $116,100.00 0.09% - Municipal United States
74514L3T 74514L3T Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Subser Cw Nt Claims-Cw Gty .000 NOV 01 43 171,593 $107,588.81 0.08% $107,588.81 0.08% - Municipal United States
88948ABM 88948ABM Toll Road Investors Partnership II LP 0% FEB 15 43 363,682 $107,286.13 0.08% $107,286.13 0.08% - Corporate Debt United States
40065FCH 40065FCH Guam Government Waterworks Authority GU 5.000 JAN 01 46 105,000 $106,111.58 0.08% $106,111.58 0.08% - Municipal United States
9277817L 9277817L Virginia College Building Authority VA Ser B-Green Bonds-Marymount Un 5.250 JUL 01 35 110,000 $101,673.79 0.08% $101,673.79 0.08% - Municipal United States
167510BH 167510BH Chicago Board of Education Dedicated Capital Improvement Tax IL 5.000 APR 01 45 90,000 $93,909.85 0.07% $93,909.85 0.07% - Municipal United States
462590MT 462590MT Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp IA Amt-Ref-Liquidity Corp-Sub-Ser 3.540 DEC 01 44 115,000 $92,513.67 0.07% $92,513.67 0.07% - Municipal United States
4521527F 4521527F State of Illinois IL Ser C 4.000 OCT 01 41 95,000 $92,010.21 0.07% $92,010.21 0.07% - Municipal United States
64613CCL 64613CCL New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority NJ Fun Auth-Transportation Prog B 5.500 JUN 15 50 75,000 $89,489.01 0.07% $89,489.02 0.07% - Municipal United States
74526QZN 74526QZN Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Ddd 5.000 JUL 01 22 160,000 $88,000.00 0.07% $88,000.00 0.07% - Municipal United States
05921PCA 05921PCA City of Baltimore MD Ref-Convention Center Hotel 5.000 SEP 01 34 85,000 $87,391.18 0.07% $87,391.18 0.07% - Municipal United States
74529JPW 74529JPW PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-1 4.750 JUL 01 53 81,000 $79,771.16 0.06% $79,771.16 0.06% - Municipal United States
74514L3L 74514L3L Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 35 75,390 $74,916.73 0.06% $74,916.73 0.06% - Municipal United States
74529JRJ 74529JRJ PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2-Converted 4.329 JUL 01 40 75,000 $74,590.64 0.06% $74,590.64 0.06% - Municipal United States
40065NCR 40065NCR Territory of Guam GU Ref-Ser F 4.000 JAN 01 42 75,000 $71,192.07 0.05% $71,192.07 0.05% - Municipal United States
05921PCF 05921PCF City of Baltimore MD MD Ref-Convention Center Hotel 5.000 SEP 01 42 70,000 $70,731.72 0.05% $70,731.73 0.05% - Municipal United States
74526QKX 74526QKX Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser Tt 5.000 JUL 01 37 125,000 $68,750.00 0.05% $68,750.00 0.05% - Municipal United States
249182QW 249182QW City & County of Denver CO Airport System Revenue CO Amt-Ser A 4.125 NOV 15 47 70,000 $66,405.26 0.05% $66,405.26 0.05% - Municipal United States
745272FP 745272FP Puerto Rico Ind Tourist Edu Med & Envirml Ctl Facs Fing Auth Ref-Intl American Uni 5.000 OCT 01 31 65,000 $66,166.62 0.05% $66,166.62 0.05% - Municipal United States
249182QY 249182QY City & County of Denver CO Airport System Revenue CO Amt-Ser A 4.125 NOV 15 53 65,000 $60,014.71 0.05% $60,014.71 0.05% - Municipal United States
74526QZM 74526QZM Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Ddd 5.000 JUL 01 21 100,000 $55,000.00 0.04% $55,000.00 0.04% - Municipal United States
74526QYY 74526QYY Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser Ccc 5.250 JUL 01 27 95,000 $52,250.00 0.04% $52,250.00 0.04% - Municipal United States
60534TQH 60534TQH Mississippi Development Bank MS Jackson Wtr & Swr Sys Proj AGMC 6.875 DEC 01 40 50,000 $51,447.36 0.04% $51,447.35 0.04% - Municipal United States
15051PBD 15051PBD Cedar Port Navigation & Improvement District TX 4.500 SEP 01 52 50,000 $49,333.08 0.04% $49,333.08 0.04% - Municipal United States
74529JQG 74529JQG PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 46 151,000 $49,356.65 0.04% $49,356.65 0.04% - Municipal United States
74514L3H 74514L3H Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 5.625 JUL 01 29 45,031 $48,531.90 0.04% $48,531.90 0.04% - Municipal United States
57665NAB 57665NAB Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp VI Ref-Ser A 5.000 OCT 01 26 40,000 $41,585.08 0.03% $41,585.07 0.03% - Municipal United States
74514L3K 74514L3K Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 33 41,476 $41,380.91 0.03% $41,380.91 0.03% - Municipal United States
74514L3N 74514L3N Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 41 43,504 $41,239.54 0.03% $41,239.54 0.03% - Municipal United States
74514L3R 74514L3R Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Cabs-Ser A .000 JUL 01 33 53,375 $37,177.71 0.03% $37,177.71 0.03% - Municipal United States
74526QXN 74526QXN Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Zz 5.25 JUL 01 23 65,000 $35,750.00 0.03% $35,750.00 0.03% - Municipal United States
74526QXB 74526QXB Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Zz 5.000 JUL 01 22 60,000 $33,000.00 0.03% $33,000.00 0.03% - Municipal United States
74514L3M 74514L3M Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 37 31,997 $31,378.33 0.02% $31,378.33 0.02% - Municipal United States
74526QKR 74526QKR Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser Tt 5.000 JUL 01 23 40,000 $22,000.00 0.02% $22,000.00 0.02% - Municipal United States
74526QA2 74526QA2 Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Puerto Rico Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 42 40,000 $22,000.00 0.02% $22,000.00 0.02% - Municipal United States
74529JPV 74529JPV PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-1 4.550 JUL 01 40 21,000 $21,124.64 0.02% $21,124.63 0.02% - Municipal United States
05921PBR 05921PBR City of Baltimore MD Ref-Convention Center Hotel 5.000 SEP 01 25 20,000 $20,506.77 0.02% $20,506.77 0.02% - Municipal United States
74526YGW 74526YGW Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Vv-Natl Non 5.250 JUL 01 34 10,000 $9,934.53 0.01% $9,934.53 0.01% - Municipal United States
261333HD 261333HD Doylestown Hospital Authority PA Unrefunded-Doylestown Hospital 4.000 JUL 01 45 10,000 $9,179.67 0.01% $9,179.67 0.01% - Municipal United States
261333HB 261333HB Doylestown Hospital Authority PA Prerefunded-Doylestown Hospita 4.000 JUL 01 45 5,000 $5,179.11 0.00% $5,179.10 0.00% - Municipal United States
74529JQD 74529JQD PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 29 6,000 $5,136.28 0.00% $5,136.28 0.00% - Municipal United States
CASH CASH Cash & Cash Equivalents - $295,529.82 0.23% $-98,220.17 -0.08% - - -

*Short positions, unlike long positions, lose value if the underlying asset gains value.

Portfolio characteristics are based on equivalent exposure, which measures how a portfolio's value would change due to price changes in an asset held either directly or, in the case of a derivative contract, indirectly. The market value of the holding may differ.

The list of portfolio holdings is as of the date shown and may not represent current or future portfolio composition. This information should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned.

This portfolio data has not been audited or adjusted for certain financial statement reclassifications. An audit could potentially result in adjustments to this data. For adjusted holdings information, please refer to the fund's quarterly portfolio holdings and semiannual reports. For audited portfolio holdings information, please refer to the fund's annual report.

A complete list of portfolio holdings for each MFS fund is generally available on mfs.com at the earliest, 19 days after the end of each month. Top 10 portfolio holdings are generally available at the earliest, 11 calendar days after the end of each month.

When posting a fund's top 10 securities holdings, if applicable, for funds with significant investments in both equity and debt instrument securities, the fund's top 10 equity and top 10 debt instrument securities will be made available. In addition, for funds that primarily invest in shares of MFS funds, when posting a fund's top 10 securities holdings, all of the following, as applicable, will be posted all securities positions in shares of MFS funds, top 10 aggregated equity securities contained within fund investments and top 10 aggregated debt instrument securities positions contained within underlying fund investments.


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The information provided on this page should be read in conjunction with the fund's prospectus or summary prospectus for the portfolio being offered, which are available online here or by contacting MFS. Consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses, and otherwise read these documents carefully before you invest. Shares of the funds are not FDIC-insured and are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, any bank. Shares of the funds involve investment risk, including possible loss of principal. 

MFS registered investment products are offered through MFS® Fund Distributors, Inc., Member SIPC, 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02199.

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