Full & Historical Holdings

Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

View Historical Holdings by Month
Based on Market Value Based on Equivalent Exposure
CUSIP/SEDOL Ticker Securities
(on 01-31-25)
Shares or Par Amount Value Percent of Net Assets Value Percent of Net Assets Market Cap ($mm) GICS Sectors

The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) was developed by and/or is the exclusive property of MSCI, Inc. and S&P Global Market Intelligence Inc. ("S&P Global Market Intelligence"). GICS is a service mark of MSCI and S&P Global Market Intelligence and has been licensed for use by MFS. MFS has applied its own internal sector/industry classification methodology for equity securities and non-equity securities that are unclassified by GICS.

74529JPX 74529JPX PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-1 5.000 JUL 01 58 7,532,000 $7,561,092.10 2.15% $7,561,092.10 2.15% - Municipal United States
93878YAV 93878YAV Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Dedicated Revenue DC Ser A 5.000 JUL 15 45 5,000,000 $5,241,367.11 1.49% $5,241,367.11 1.49% - Municipal United States
303833LD 303833LD Fairfax County Redevelopment & Housing Authority VA Var-One University Senior Apar 4.000 DEC 01 25 4,000,000 $4,500,948.44 1.28% $4,500,948.44 1.28% - Municipal United States
92778VMA 92778VMA Virginia College Building Authority VA 21St Century College & Equipme 5.000 FEB 01 38 4,000,000 $4,497,896.40 1.28% $4,497,896.40 1.28% - Municipal United States
409328CR 409328CR Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission Senior Lien-Ser A VA 5.250 JUL 01 64 4,000,000 $4,354,154.00 1.24% $4,354,154.00 1.24% - Municipal United States
464637AQ 464637AQ Isle of Wight County Economic Development Authority VA Riverside Health Sys AGM 5.250 JUL 01 48 4,000,000 $4,305,595.60 1.22% $4,305,595.60 1.22% - Municipal United States
92812WMR 92812WMR Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser F 5.150 NOV 01 48 4,000,000 $4,155,694.80 1.18% $4,155,694.80 1.18% - Municipal United States
92812WKW 92812WKW Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser D 4.750 AUG 01 53 4,000,000 $4,101,421.60 1.17% $4,101,421.60 1.17% - Municipal United States
76543FAA 76543FAA Richmond Redevelopment & Housing Authority VA Mtems-Chippenham Place Apartme 4.500 MAY 01 40 3,983,700 $4,088,852.66 1.16% $4,088,852.65 1.16% - Municipal United States
546068AX 546068AX Louisa Industrial Development Authority VA Var-Virginia Electric & Power 3.650 NOV 01 35 4,000,000 $4,070,621.73 1.16% $4,070,621.73 1.16% - Municipal United States
92810RAC 92810RAC Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Var-Amt-Pure Salmon Virginia L 4.000 NOV 01 52 4,000,000 $4,038,592.98 1.15% $4,038,592.98 1.15% - Municipal United States
655904BY 655904BY Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority VA Var-Oak Park And Colonial Hall FNMA COLL 4.250 SEP 01 4 4,000,000 $4,027,070.89 1.15% $4,027,070.89 1.15% - Municipal United States
938782GP 938782GP Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority DC 5.000 JUL 01 43 3,860,000 $3,953,931.04 1.12% $3,953,931.04 1.12% - Municipal United States
849269KM 849269KM County of Spotsylvania VA Water & Sewer System Revenue VA 4.500 DEC 01 46 3,865,000 $3,947,158.69 1.12% $3,947,158.69 1.12% - Municipal United States
592643DR 592643DR Metro Wash Airports Auth Dulles Toll Road Rev DC Ref-Dulles Metrorail & Capital AGM 4.000 OCT 01 52 4,180,000 $3,895,443.71 1.11% $3,895,443.71 1.11% - Municipal United States
303823MW 303823MW Fairfax County Industrial Dev Auth VA Hlth Care-Ref-Inova Hlth Sys-S 4.000 MAY 15 48 4,000,000 $3,873,552.18 1.10% $3,873,552.18 1.10% - Municipal United States
592647MC 592647MC Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Aviation Revenue DC Amt-Ref-Ser A 5.250 OCT 01 48 3,600,000 $3,831,679.80 1.09% $3,831,679.80 1.09% - Municipal United States
663510AA 663510AA Northampton County & Towns Economic Dev Authy VA Var-Myrtle Landing Apartments 4.500 APR 01 26 3,720,000 $3,780,586.15 1.08% $3,780,586.15 1.08% - Municipal United States
409328BT 409328BT Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission VA Ser A 4.000 JUL 01 57 4,000,000 $3,712,562.53 1.06% $3,712,562.53 1.06% - Municipal United States
92818MM6 92818MM6 Virginia Resources Authority VA Ref-Virginia Pooled Fin Prog-S 4.000 NOV 01 36 3,450,000 $3,556,425.60 1.01% $3,556,425.60 1.01% - Municipal United States
648470CJ 648470CJ New River Valley Regional Jail Authority VA Ref 5.000 OCT 01 36 3,205,000 $3,353,215.76 0.95% $3,353,215.76 0.95% - Municipal United States
928105BZ 928105BZ Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Ref-Bon Secours Mercy Health I 4.000 DEC 01 49 3,445,000 $3,253,645.99 0.93% $3,253,645.98 0.93% - Municipal United States
30382VAY 30382VAY Fairfax County Industrial Development Authority VA Inova Health System Project 5.000 MAY 15 51 3,000,000 $3,230,401.97 0.92% $3,230,401.97 0.92% - Municipal United States
928104PG 928104PG Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Amt-Ref-Senior Lien-95 Express 5.000 JAN 01 35 3,000,000 $3,186,381.80 0.91% $3,186,381.80 0.91% - Municipal United States
409327HM 409327HM Hampton Roads Sanitation District VA Ref-Sub-Ser A 5.000 AUG 01 34 3,000,000 $3,171,781.80 0.90% $3,171,781.80 0.90% - Municipal United States
303891D2 303891D2 Fairfax County Water Authority VA Ref 5.000 APR 01 41 3,000,000 $3,132,406.10 0.89% $3,132,406.10 0.89% - Municipal United States
303833LK 303833LK Fairfax County Redev & Housing Authority VA Residences At Government Cente FHLMC COLL 4.700 DEC 01 4 3,000,000 $3,089,003.90 0.88% $3,089,003.90 0.88% - Municipal United States
165328BC 165328BC Chesapeake Redevelopment & Housing Authority VA Var-Forest Cove Project Ii-Rem 4.000 OCT 01 40 2,985,000 $3,062,541.64 0.87% $3,062,541.64 0.87% - Municipal United States
928077GZ 928077GZ VA Port Authority Ref-Amt-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 31 3,000,000 $3,033,859.70 0.86% $3,033,859.70 0.86% - Municipal United States
55123TAS 55123TAS Lynchburg Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Centra Hlth-Ser A 5.000 JAN 01 47 3,000,000 $3,032,018.90 0.86% $3,032,018.90 0.86% - Municipal United States
16514PAE 16514PAE Chesapeake Bay Bridge & Tunnel District VA 1St Tier Gen Resolution Rev 5.000 JUL 01 51 3,000,000 $3,022,857.50 0.86% $3,022,857.50 0.86% - Municipal United States
927793C7 927793C7 Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board VA #N/A Field Not Applicable 4.000 MAY 15 42 3,000,000 $2,991,968.23 0.85% $2,991,968.23 0.85% - Municipal United States
041438GZ 041438GZ Arlington County Industrial Development Authority VA Ref-Virginia Hospital Center 5.000 JUL 01 37 2,800,000 $2,973,245.99 0.85% $2,973,245.99 0.85% - Municipal United States
928105BY 928105BY Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Ref-Sentara Healthcare 3.000 NOV 01 40 3,370,000 $2,965,132.92 0.84% $2,965,132.92 0.84% - Municipal United States
716298SV 716298SV City of Petersburg VA Ref ST AID WITHHLDG 4.125 DEC 01 54 3,000,000 $2,920,624.45 0.83% $2,920,624.45 0.83% - Municipal United States
42668CAR 42668CAR Henry County Industrial Development Auth VA Public Facility Lease Rev 4.000 NOV 01 45 3,000,000 $2,901,362.70 0.83% $2,901,362.70 0.83% - Municipal United States
592643DD 592643DD Metro WA Auth Dulles Toll Road Revenue DC 4.000 OCT 01 44 3,000,000 $2,883,097.30 0.82% $2,883,097.30 0.82% - Municipal United States
92812WFM 92812WFM Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser E 4.250 JUN 01 52 3,000,000 $2,881,029.40 0.82% $2,881,029.40 0.82% - Municipal United States
92812VTC 92812VTC Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Rental Hsg-Ser D 3.700 OCT 01 38 3,000,000 $2,878,729.60 0.82% $2,878,729.60 0.82% - Municipal United States
65588TAT 65588TAT Norfolk Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Sentara Hlthcare-Ser B 4.000 NOV 01 48 3,000,000 $2,845,872.60 0.81% $2,845,872.60 0.81% - Municipal United States
927793E5 927793E5 Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board VA Ref-Ser A 4.000 MAY 15 35 2,750,000 $2,806,914.67 0.80% $2,806,914.67 0.80% - Municipal United States
92812WGT 92812WGT Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser G 5.150 NOV 01 52 2,680,000 $2,754,559.48 0.78% $2,754,559.48 0.78% - Municipal United States
592643DH 592643DH Metro WA Auth Dulles Toll Road Revenue DC AGM 4.000 OCT 01 53 2,830,000 $2,651,092.58 0.75% $2,651,092.59 0.75% - Municipal United States
92812WJJ 92812WJJ Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser-B 4.550 MAR 01 48 2,580,000 $2,635,301.87 0.75% $2,635,301.87 0.75% - Municipal United States
915217WU 915217WU University of Virginia VA Ref-Gen Pledge-Ser B 5.000 APR 01 46 2,500,000 $2,607,393.17 0.74% $2,607,393.17 0.74% - Municipal United States
92818PMU 92818PMU Virginia Resources Authority VA Virginia Pooled Financing Prog 5.250 NOV 01 47 2,350,000 $2,604,555.76 0.74% $2,604,555.76 0.74% - Municipal United States
92812VTF 92812VTF Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Rental Hsg-Ser D 4.000 OCT 01 53 2,875,000 $2,588,606.39 0.74% $2,588,606.40 0.74% - Municipal United States
928104LZ 928104LZ Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Ref-Hampton University 5.250 OCT 01 29 2,500,000 $2,546,202.25 0.72% $2,546,202.25 0.72% - Municipal United States
765433NA 765433NA City of Richmond VA Public Utility Revenue VA Ref-Ser C 4.250 JAN 15 53 2,500,000 $2,511,150.72 0.71% $2,511,150.72 0.71% - Municipal United States
928104NZ 928104NZ Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Amt-Senior Lien-Elizabeth Rive 3.000 JAN 01 41 3,000,000 $2,425,787.70 0.69% $2,425,787.70 0.69% - Municipal United States
54601TAA 54601TAA Loudoun County Economic Dev Authority VA Cabs-Howard Hughes Medical Ins 0.000 JUL 01 49 7,500,000 $2,377,798.50 0.68% $2,377,798.50 0.68% - Municipal United States
92778REZ 92778REZ Virginia Commonwealth University VA Ref-Gen Pledge-Ser A 4.000 MAY 01 48 2,475,000 $2,328,016.43 0.66% $2,328,016.43 0.66% - Municipal United States
92774NBB 92774NBB Virginia Beach Development Authority VA Westminster-Canterbury On Ches 7.000 SEP 01 53 2,000,000 $2,326,248.53 0.66% $2,326,248.53 0.66% - Municipal United States
55123TBL 55123TBL Lynchburg Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Centra Hlth Oblig Group 4.000 JAN 01 38 2,200,000 $2,208,538.05 0.63% $2,208,538.05 0.63% - Municipal United States
92778FLX 92778FLX Virginia College Building Authority VA Ref-Univ Of Richmond 5.000 MAR 01 54 2,000,000 $2,179,510.87 0.62% $2,179,510.87 0.62% - Municipal United States
409327MU 409327MU Hampton Roads Sanitation District VA Ser B 5.000 JUL 01 54 2,000,000 $2,143,885.93 0.61% $2,143,885.93 0.61% - Municipal United States
09182TCG 09182TCG Black Belt Energy Gas District AL Ser C-1 5.250 FEB 01 53 2,020,000 $2,138,539.05 0.61% $2,138,539.05 0.61% - Municipal United States
88035JPE 88035JPE Tender Option Bond Trust Receipts/Certificates DC Drivers-Ser 2024-Xf1745 6.890 JUL 15 59 1,840,000 $2,130,682.84 0.61% $2,130,682.83 0.61% - Municipal United States
969671AT 969671AT Williamsburg Economic Development Authority VA Williamsburg Properties Llc-Wi AGM 4.000 JUL 01 48 2,245,000 $2,119,826.28 0.60% $2,119,826.28 0.60% - Municipal United States
84136HAU 84136HAU Southeast Energy Authority A Cooperative District AL Ser A 5.000 NOV 01 35 1,980,000 $2,097,225.20 0.60% $2,097,225.20 0.60% - Municipal United States
928173BX 928173BX Virginia Public Building Authority VA Unrefunded-Ser A 4.000 AUG 01 39 2,000,000 $2,055,147.20 0.58% $2,055,147.20 0.58% - Municipal United States
04144PDW 04144PDW Arlington County Industrial Development Authority VA Park Shirlington Apartments-Se 5.000 JAN 01 26 2,000,000 $2,045,564.53 0.58% $2,045,564.53 0.58% - Municipal United States
303823KY 303823KY Fairfax County Industrial Development Authority VA Inova Hlth Sys Proj-Ser A 4.000 MAY 15 44 2,000,000 $1,976,670.89 0.56% $1,976,670.89 0.56% - Municipal United States
84136FBT 84136FBT Southeast Energy Authority A Cooperative District AL Proj #5-Ser A 5.250 JAN 01 54 1,850,000 $1,953,518.23 0.56% $1,953,518.23 0.56% - Municipal United States
92812U3F 92812U3F Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Variable-Ser E2 3.900 JUL 01 55 1,940,000 $1,947,602.08 0.55% $1,947,602.08 0.55% - Municipal United States
928104NY 928104NY Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Amt-Senior Lien-Elizabeth Rive 4.000 JAN 01 40 2,000,000 $1,921,504.87 0.55% $1,921,504.87 0.55% - Municipal United States
92812VVC 92812VVC Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Rental Housing Bonds-Ser A 3.800 SEP 01 44 2,000,000 $1,896,752.07 0.54% $1,896,752.07 0.54% - Municipal United States
303835DR 303835DR Fairfax County Redevelopment & Housing Authority VA Ref-Wedgewood Affordable Hsg A 5.000 OCT 01 39 1,765,000 $1,855,817.31 0.53% $1,855,817.31 0.53% - Municipal United States
928104MT 928104MT Virginia Small Business Financing Auth VA Ref-National Senior Campuses, 5.000 JAN 01 33 1,750,000 $1,854,876.04 0.53% $1,854,876.04 0.53% - Municipal United States
77345QAA 77345QAA Rockingham County Economic Development Authority VA 3.000 NOV 01 46 2,255,000 $1,850,900.84 0.53% $1,850,900.84 0.53% - Municipal United States
54589SGJ 54589SGJ Loudoun County Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Loudoun County Public Faci 3.000 DEC 01 37 2,000,000 $1,838,068.80 0.52% $1,838,068.80 0.52% - Municipal United States
770082BZ 770082BZ Roanoke Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Carilion Clinic Oblig Grp- 5.000 JUL 01 47 1,625,000 $1,799,048.98 0.51% $1,799,048.98 0.51% - Municipal United States
92818PKN 92818PKN Virginia Resources Authority VA Va Pooled Financing Prog-Ser A 5.000 NOV 01 39 1,610,000 $1,779,935.82 0.51% $1,779,935.82 0.51% - Municipal United States
650116HR 650116HR New York Transportation Development Corp NY Sustainable Bond-Amt-Jfk Inter AGM 5.250 JUN 30 60 1,650,000 $1,723,353.78 0.49% $1,723,353.77 0.49% - Municipal United States
414009RR 414009RR Harris County Cultural Ed Facilities Finance Corp TX Ref-Memorial Hermann Hlth Sys- 4.125 JUL 01 52 1,835,000 $1,721,811.88 0.49% $1,721,811.88 0.49% - Municipal United States
916277PC 916277PC Upper Occoquan Sewage Authority VA 3.000 JUL 01 44 2,065,000 $1,717,214.97 0.49% $1,717,214.97 0.49% - Municipal United States
110331QS 110331QS City of Bristol VA Bans 5.000 SEP 01 27 1,650,000 $1,701,965.32 0.48% $1,701,965.32 0.48% - Municipal United States
938782GM 938782GM Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority DC 5.000 JUL 01 37 1,560,000 $1,615,610.05 0.46% $1,615,610.05 0.46% - Municipal United States
938782GN 938782GN Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority DC 5.000 JUL 01 38 1,560,000 $1,611,674.17 0.46% $1,611,674.17 0.46% - Municipal United States
1663937W 1663937W County of Chesterfield VA VA Public Impt-Ser A 4.000 JAN 01 36 1,570,000 $1,604,857.35 0.46% $1,604,857.35 0.46% - Municipal United States
167510AD 167510AD Chicago Board of Education Dedicated Capital Improvement Tax IL 5.750 APR 01 35 1,525,000 $1,604,697.82 0.46% $1,604,697.82 0.46% - Municipal United States
303835DQ 303835DQ Fairfax County Redevelopment & Housing Authority VA Ref-Wedgewood Affordable Hsg A 5.000 OCT 01 38 1,500,000 $1,585,890.40 0.45% $1,585,890.40 0.45% - Municipal United States
92778FAW 92778FAW Virginia College Building Authority VA Randolph-Macon College 4.000 JAN 15 41 1,600,000 $1,562,762.36 0.44% $1,562,762.36 0.44% - Municipal United States
16532VBK 16532VBK Chesapeake Hospital Authority VA Ref-Chesapeake Regional Medica 5.000 JUL 01 34 1,475,000 $1,562,749.62 0.44% $1,562,749.62 0.44% - Municipal United States
42605QHN 42605QHN Henrico County Economic Development Authority VA Westminster Cantebury Richmond 5.000 OCT 01 52 1,500,000 $1,559,809.00 0.44% $1,559,809.00 0.44% - Municipal United States
92812WJH 92812WJH Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser-B 4.450 MAR 01 45 1,535,000 $1,557,130.35 0.44% $1,557,130.35 0.44% - Municipal United States
92812XBB 92812XBB Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Commonwealth Mortgage Bonds-Se 4.600 OCT 01 49 1,500,000 $1,531,485.93 0.44% $1,531,485.93 0.44% - Municipal United States
015303CX 015303CX City of Alexandria VA Ser B 4.000 DEC 15 46 1,550,000 $1,530,490.78 0.44% $1,530,490.79 0.44% - Municipal United States
92812U4H 92812U4H Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser E-1-Remk 03/28/24 4.550 OCT 01 49 1,500,000 $1,523,205.70 0.43% $1,523,205.70 0.43% - Municipal United States
716298RX 716298RX City of Petersburg VA 4.250 SEP 01 53 1,500,000 $1,514,255.90 0.43% $1,514,255.90 0.43% - Municipal United States
89602HBZ 89602HBZ Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority NY Senior Lien-Ser C-3 3.000 MAY 15 51 1,965,000 $1,499,262.05 0.43% $1,499,262.05 0.43% - Municipal United States
015303CW 015303CW City of Alexandria VA Ser B 4.000 DEC 15 45 1,485,000 $1,474,687.73 0.42% $1,474,687.73 0.42% - Municipal United States
92778VBW 92778VBW Virginia College Building Authority VA Ser D 5.000 FEB 01 25 1,435,000 $1,470,875.00 0.42% $1,470,875.00 0.42% - Municipal United States
92818PKR 92818PKR Virginia Resources Authority VA Va Pooled Financing Prog-Ser A 5.000 NOV 01 42 1,330,000 $1,452,740.11 0.41% $1,452,740.11 0.41% - Municipal United States
015303CV 015303CV City of Alexandria VA Ser B 4.000 DEC 15 44 1,430,000 $1,429,294.17 0.41% $1,429,294.17 0.41% - Municipal United States
70342PAR 70342PAR Patriots Energy Group Financing Agency SC Ref-Var-Ser-B-1 5.250 FEB 01 54 1,300,000 $1,428,090.17 0.41% $1,428,090.17 0.41% - Municipal United States
426170PR 426170PR County of Henrico VA Water & Sewer Revenue VA 4.000 MAY 01 46 1,435,000 $1,419,272.54 0.40% $1,419,272.54 0.40% - Municipal United States
015303CU 015303CU City of Alexandria VA Ser B 4.000 DEC 15 43 1,375,000 $1,382,859.52 0.39% $1,382,859.52 0.39% - Municipal United States
167486P6 167486P6 City of Chicago IL Chicago Works-Ser A 5.500 JAN 01 40 1,300,000 $1,377,702.08 0.39% $1,377,702.08 0.39% - Municipal United States
55123TBM 55123TBM Lynchburg Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Centra Hlth Oblig Group 4.000 JAN 01 39 1,320,000 $1,316,420.60 0.37% $1,316,420.60 0.37% - Municipal United States
92812WGV 92812WGV Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser G 5.375 NOV 01 64 1,250,000 $1,304,093.76 0.37% $1,304,093.75 0.37% - Municipal United States
409327JL 409327JL Hampton Roads Sanitation District VA Ref-Sub-Ser A 4.000 OCT 01 38 1,265,000 $1,295,653.78 0.37% $1,295,653.78 0.37% - Municipal United States
92812VYQ 92812VYQ Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser E 3.150 DEC 01 49 1,635,000 $1,294,112.15 0.37% $1,294,112.15 0.37% - Municipal United States
86481ACM 86481ACM City of Suffolk VA Ser A 2.000 FEB 01 39 1,675,000 $1,253,766.31 0.36% $1,253,766.31 0.36% - Municipal United States
92778FKN 92778FKN Virginia College Building Authority VA Ref-Regent Univ Project 4.000 JUN 01 36 1,280,000 $1,242,644.05 0.35% $1,242,644.05 0.35% - Municipal United States
646080WP 646080WP New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority NJ Senior-Amt-Ser B 4.000 DEC 01 41 1,245,000 $1,235,210.65 0.35% $1,235,210.65 0.35% - Municipal United States
882555ZR 882555ZR Texas Municipal Power Agency TX Ref AGM 2.000 SEP 01 33 1,455,000 $1,206,727.00 0.34% $1,206,727.00 0.34% - Municipal United States
880397CF 880397CF Tennergy Corp/TN Gas Supply Rev Bonds-Ser A 5.500 OCT 01 53 1,115,000 $1,195,215.07 0.34% $1,195,215.07 0.34% - Municipal United States
716298RW 716298RW City of Petersburg VA 4.250 SEP 01 48 1,160,000 $1,185,022.98 0.34% $1,185,022.98 0.34% - Municipal United States
880443BS 880443BS TN Energy Acquisition Corp Ser A 5.250 SEP 01 26 1,140,000 $1,183,681.49 0.34% $1,183,681.49 0.34% - Municipal United States
973122AU 973122AU Winchester Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Valley Health System-Ser A 5.000 JAN 01 43 1,065,000 $1,153,172.38 0.33% $1,153,172.38 0.33% - Municipal United States
92818PKQ 92818PKQ Virginia Resources Authority VA Va Pooled Financing Prog-Ser A 5.000 NOV 01 41 1,030,000 $1,128,856.93 0.32% $1,128,856.93 0.32% - Municipal United States
92812U6K 92812U6K Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser E-2-Remk 05/29/24 4.550 OCT 01 49 1,100,000 $1,117,993.32 0.32% $1,117,993.32 0.32% - Municipal United States
464637AP 464637AP Isle of Wight County Economic Development Authority VA Riverside Health Sys AGM 5.250 JUL 01 43 1,000,000 $1,097,677.60 0.31% $1,097,677.60 0.31% - Municipal United States
92778FLW 92778FLW Virginia College Building Authority VA Ref-Univ Of Richmond 5.000 MAR 01 49 1,000,000 $1,097,754.73 0.31% $1,097,754.73 0.31% - Municipal United States
927780SK 927780SK Virginia College Building Auth VA Washington & Lee University Pj Natl Public Fin 5.250 JAN 01 31 1,000,000 $1,093,357.30 0.31% $1,093,357.30 0.31% - Municipal United States
92778FKQ 92778FKQ Virginia College Building Authority VA Ref-Regent Univ Project 4.000 JUN 01 46 1,250,000 $1,091,384.33 0.31% $1,091,384.33 0.31% - Municipal United States
30382AHL 30382AHL County of Fairfax VA Public Impt-Ser A 5.000 OCT 01 37 1,000,000 $1,079,449.17 0.31% $1,079,449.17 0.31% - Municipal United States
40065FDE 40065FDE Guam Government Waterworks Authority GU Ref 5.000 JUL 01 40 1,045,000 $1,068,273.48 0.30% $1,068,273.47 0.30% - Municipal United States
592647FL 592647FL Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority DC Amt-Ref-Ser A 5.000 OCT 01 37 1,000,000 $1,046,424.57 0.30% $1,046,424.57 0.30% - Municipal United States
30384AAR 30384AAR Fairfax County Economic Development Authority VA Metrorail Parking Sys 5.000 APR 01 36 1,000,000 $1,044,149.77 0.30% $1,044,149.77 0.30% - Municipal United States
592647FM 592647FM Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority DC Amt-Ref-Ser A 5.000 OCT 01 38 1,000,000 $1,043,926.07 0.30% $1,043,926.07 0.30% - Municipal United States
655867S3 655867S3 City of Norfolk VA Ref-Ser A 5.000 SEP 01 40 925,000 $1,039,888.82 0.30% $1,039,888.82 0.30% - Municipal United States
92812WGS 92812WGS Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser G 5.050 NOV 01 47 1,000,000 $1,038,535.20 0.30% $1,038,535.20 0.30% - Municipal United States
52976TBF 52976TBF Lexington Industrial Development Authority VA Ref-Washington & Lee 5.000 JAN 01 43 1,000,000 $1,035,347.57 0.29% $1,035,347.57 0.29% - Municipal United States
592647BA 592647BA Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority DC Ref-Amt-Ser B 5.000 OCT 01 28 1,000,000 $1,026,165.17 0.29% $1,026,165.17 0.29% - Municipal United States
92812WNX 92812WNX Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser A 4.800 SEP 01 59 1,000,000 $1,025,580.60 0.29% $1,025,580.60 0.29% - Municipal United States
92812WNV 92812WNV Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser A 4.600 SEP 01 49 1,000,000 $1,025,261.37 0.29% $1,025,261.37 0.29% - Municipal United States
86482NAJ 86482NAJ Suffolk Economic Development Authority VA Ref-United Church Homes And Se 5.000 SEP 01 31 1,000,000 $1,021,404.93 0.29% $1,021,404.93 0.29% - Municipal United States
92812U6J 92812U6J Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser E-2-Remk 05/29/24 4.400 OCT 01 44 1,000,000 $1,018,030.47 0.29% $1,018,030.47 0.29% - Municipal United States
92812WQP 92812WQP Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser C 4.800 DEC 01 49 1,000,000 $1,015,702.30 0.29% $1,015,702.30 0.29% - Municipal United States
928075GV 928075GV Virginia Port Authority VA Amt 5.000 JUL 01 30 1,000,000 $1,011,491.77 0.29% $1,011,491.77 0.29% - Municipal United States
928103AG 928103AG Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Pinnacle Living-Ser C 5.000 JUN 01 42 1,000,000 $1,011,115.83 0.29% $1,011,115.83 0.29% - Municipal United States
355849BC 355849BC Fredericksburg Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Mary Washington Hlthcare O 5.000 JUN 15 33 1,000,000 $1,011,282.79 0.29% $1,011,282.79 0.29% - Municipal United States
15976RAB 15976RAB Charles City County Economic Development Authority VA Var-Amt-Waste Mgt-Remk 5/1/19 FRB AUG 01 27 1,000,000 $1,009,778.07 0.29% $1,009,778.07 0.29% - Municipal United States
928097AC 928097AC Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Amt-Transform 66-P3 Proj 5.000 DEC 31 52 1,000,000 $1,009,037.16 0.29% $1,009,037.16 0.29% - Municipal United States
592647AZ 592647AZ Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority DC Ref-Amt-Ser B 5.000 OCT 01 27 980,000 $1,005,870.49 0.29% $1,005,870.50 0.29% - Municipal United States
650116AL 650116AL New York Transportation Development Corp NY Amt-Laguardia Arpt Term B Rede 5.000 JUL 01 34 995,000 $999,249.71 0.28% $999,249.71 0.28% - Municipal United States
928106AQ 928106AQ Virginia Small Business Financing Authority VA Amt-Covanta Proj FRB JAN 01 48 1,000,000 $998,060.87 0.28% $998,060.87 0.28% - Municipal United States
13432JAU 13432JAU Campbell County Industrial Development Authority VA Pub Facs 4.000 JUN 01 40 1,000,000 $996,597.27 0.28% $996,597.27 0.28% - Municipal United States
741756CB 741756CB Prince William County Industrial Development Auth VA Ref-Westminster At Lake Ridge 5.000 JAN 01 37 1,000,000 $993,658.47 0.28% $993,658.47 0.28% - Municipal United States
70718LAH 70718LAH Peninsula Town Center Community Development Authority VA Ref 5.000 SEP 01 45 1,000,000 $990,616.43 0.28% $990,616.43 0.28% - Municipal United States
52976BBW 52976BBW Lexington Industrial Development Authority VA Ref-Kendal At Lexington 4.000 JAN 01 37 1,000,000 $982,101.83 0.28% $982,101.83 0.28% - Municipal United States
592647KL 592647KL Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Aviation Revenue DC Amt-Ref-Ser A 4.000 OCT 01 41 1,000,000 $981,035.23 0.28% $981,035.23 0.28% - Municipal United States
765433MY 765433MY City of Richmond VA Public Utility Revenue VA Ref-Ser C 4.000 JAN 15 45 1,000,000 $976,507.68 0.28% $976,507.68 0.28% - Municipal United States
63607WAC 63607WAC New Hampshire Business Finance Authority NH Ser 2022-1-Cl A-Social Bond 4.375 SEP 20 36 970,182 $968,541.36 0.28% $968,541.36 0.28% - Municipal United States
969669AU 969669AU Williamsburg Economic Development Authority VA William & Mary Project-Ser-B 4.125 JUL 01 48 1,000,000 $961,622.50 0.27% $961,622.50 0.27% - Municipal United States
74529JQE 74529JQE PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 31 1,212,000 $957,503.51 0.27% $957,503.51 0.27% - Municipal United States
353384AS 353384AS Franklin County Industrial Development Authority/VA Ref 3.000 OCT 15 36 1,000,000 $934,490.53 0.27% $934,490.53 0.27% - Municipal United States
9277817L 9277817L Virginia College Building Authority VA Ser B-Green Bonds-Marymount Un 5.250 JUL 01 35 1,000,000 $924,307.20 0.26% $924,307.20 0.26% - Municipal United States
794565AY 794565AY Salem Economic Development Authority VA Ref 5.000 APR 01 49 900,000 $910,333.05 0.26% $910,333.05 0.26% - Municipal United States
9277816E 9277816E VA College Building Authority Ref-Marymount Univ Proj-Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 35 1,000,000 $905,231.87 0.26% $905,231.87 0.26% - Municipal United States
655867S2 655867S2 City of Norfolk VA Ref-Ser A 5.000 SEP 01 39 800,000 $904,279.23 0.26% $904,279.23 0.26% - Municipal United States
38122ND8 38122ND8 Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp CA Txbl-Ref-Subordinate Bonds-Ser 3.850 JUN 01 50 935,000 $865,945.63 0.25% $865,945.64 0.25% - Municipal United States
649519DA 649519DA New York Liberty Development Corp NY Ref-Class 1-3 World Trade Ctr 5.000 NOV 15 44 845,000 $854,504.01 0.24% $854,504.02 0.24% - Municipal United States
74529JQF 74529JQF PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 33 1,160,000 $844,061.12 0.24% $844,061.12 0.24% - Municipal United States
64719HEM 64719HEM New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority NM Var-Santa Fe Apartments And Sa 5.000 FEB 01 42 830,000 $838,118.84 0.24% $838,118.84 0.24% - Municipal United States
928103AY 928103AY Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Lifespire Of Virginia-Ser A VA 5.500 DEC 01 54 750,000 $796,658.65 0.23% $796,658.65 0.23% - Municipal United States
42605QFH 42605QFH Henrico County Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Lifespire Of Va-Ser C 5.000 DEC 01 37 765,000 $786,703.30 0.22% $786,703.30 0.22% - Municipal United States
30384AAS 30384AAS Fairfax County Economic Development Authority VA Metrorail Parking Sys 5.000 APR 01 37 750,000 $781,844.08 0.22% $781,844.08 0.22% - Municipal United States
92818PMV 92818PMV Virginia Resources Authority VA Virginia Pooled Financing Prog 4.750 NOV 01 52 750,000 $772,924.35 0.22% $772,924.35 0.22% - Municipal United States
74446EAA 74446EAA Public Finance Authority WI American Dream @ Meadowlands P 6.250 AUG 01 27 795,000 $769,162.50 0.22% $769,162.50 0.22% - Municipal United States
355849BA 355849BA Fredericksburg Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Mary Washington Hlthcare O 5.000 JUN 15 31 750,000 $758,464.94 0.22% $758,464.94 0.22% - Municipal United States
92778REX 92778REX Virginia Commonwealth University VA Ref-Gen Pledge-Ser A 4.000 NOV 01 37 745,000 $758,629.85 0.22% $758,629.85 0.22% - Municipal United States
928077JM 928077JM Virginia Port Authority VA Amt-Ref-Ser B 5.000 JUL 01 41 750,000 $754,775.38 0.21% $754,775.38 0.21% - Municipal United States
92812WJG 92812WJG Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser-B 4.400 MAR 01 43 710,000 $724,067.68 0.21% $724,067.68 0.21% - Municipal United States
969669AW 969669AW Williamsburg Economic Development Authority VA William & Mary Project-Ser-B 4.250 JUL 01 58 755,000 $717,748.96 0.20% $717,748.95 0.20% - Municipal United States
108555GG 108555GG Village of Bridgeview IL Taxable-Stadium & Redev Projs BAC 5.140 DEC 01 36 775,000 $702,970.62 0.20% $702,970.62 0.20% - Municipal United States
167510BJ 167510BJ Chicago Board of Education Dedicated Capital Improvement Tax IL 5.750 APR 01 48 635,000 $693,262.81 0.20% $693,262.82 0.20% - Municipal United States
42605QGY 42605QGY Henrico County Economic Devt Authority VA Ref-Westminster Canterbury Ric 4.000 OCT 01 45 720,000 $682,649.23 0.19% $682,649.23 0.19% - Municipal United States
973121BG 973121BG Winchester Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Valley Health Sys Oblig 5.000 JAN 01 28 600,000 $612,335.92 0.17% $612,335.92 0.17% - Municipal United States
756870BE 756870BE Red River Education Finance Corp TX Ref-Houston Baptist Univ Proj 5.500 OCT 01 46 595,000 $610,667.79 0.17% $610,667.80 0.17% - Municipal United States
92812V3N 92812V3N Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser F 1.600 JUL 01 33 770,000 $609,922.03 0.17% $609,922.03 0.17% - Municipal United States
16532VBR 16532VBR Chesapeake Hospital Authority VA Ref-Chesapeake Regional Medica 4.000 JUL 01 43 625,000 $596,090.08 0.17% $596,090.08 0.17% - Municipal United States
88948ABA 88948ABA Toll Road Investors Partnership II LP 144A 0% FEB 15 25 557,000 $555,936.11 0.16% $555,936.11 0.16% - Corporate Debt United States
118217CZ 118217CZ Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Auth OH Ref-Senior-Class 2-Ser B-2 5.000 JUN 01 55 610,000 $553,738.31 0.16% $553,738.32 0.16% - Municipal United States
64719HEN 64719HEN New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority NM Variable-Mountain View Ii & Ii 5.000 FEB 01 42 525,000 $537,371.48 0.15% $537,371.48 0.15% - Municipal United States
353384AT 353384AT Franklin County Industrial Development Authority/VA Ref 3.000 OCT 15 37 580,000 $536,426.07 0.15% $536,426.07 0.15% - Municipal United States
031489BW 031489BW Amherst Industrial Development Authority Ref-Edl Facs-Sweet Briar 5.000 SEP 01 26 510,000 $517,629.36 0.15% $517,629.36 0.15% - Municipal United States
164631AB 164631AB Cherry Hill Community Dev Authority VA Potomac Shores Proj 5.150 MAR 01 35 500,000 $510,840.62 0.15% $510,840.62 0.15% - Municipal United States
928075GW 928075GW Virginia Port Authority VA Amt 5.000 JUL 01 31 500,000 $505,745.88 0.14% $505,745.88 0.14% - Municipal United States
42605QGX 42605QGX Henrico County Economic Devt Authority VA Ref-Westminster Canterbury Ric 4.000 OCT 01 40 500,000 $495,312.37 0.14% $495,312.37 0.14% - Municipal United States
74529JRH 74529JRH Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2 4.329 JUL 01 40 476,000 $473,401.94 0.13% $473,401.94 0.13% - Municipal United States
74526QZZ 74526QZZ Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser A 5.000 JUL 01 29 835,000 $459,250.00 0.13% $459,250.00 0.13% - Municipal United States
649519EN 649519EN New York Liberty Development Corp NY Ref-Ser 1Wtc 2.750 FEB 15 44 590,000 $448,308.35 0.13% $448,308.35 0.13% - Municipal United States
40065FDF 40065FDF Guam Government Waterworks Authority GU Ser A 5.000 JAN 01 50 430,000 $441,560.37 0.13% $441,560.36 0.13% - Municipal United States
74514L3P 74514L3P Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 46 476,628 $429,970.38 0.12% $429,970.38 0.12% - Municipal United States
92812VZ8 92812VZ8 Virginia Housing Development Authority VA Ser D 1.800 MAY 01 33 500,000 $407,751.15 0.12% $407,751.15 0.12% - Municipal United States
973121BJ 973121BJ Winchester Economic Development Authority VA Ref-Valley Health Sys Oblig 5.000 JAN 01 30 400,000 $407,447.35 0.12% $407,447.35 0.12% - Municipal United States
42605QDZ 42605QDZ Henrico County Economic Development Authority Ref-VA United Methodist Homes 5.000 JUN 01 25 385,000 $388,314.01 0.11% $388,314.02 0.11% - Municipal United States
92778FKP 92778FKP Virginia College Building Authority VA Ref-Regent Univ Project 3.000 JUN 01 41 470,000 $375,200.11 0.11% $375,200.11 0.11% - Municipal United States
15051PAZ 15051PAZ Cedar Port Navigation & Improvement District TX 4.500 SEP 01 48 365,000 $366,197.78 0.10% $366,197.78 0.10% - Municipal United States
74528NAU 74528NAU Puerto Rico Ind Tourist Ed Med & Env Ctl Facs Fing Auth Uni Plaz Pj-Ser A Nat Pub Fin 6.0 JUL 01 27 355,000 $356,752.02 0.10% $356,752.02 0.10% - Municipal United States
74514L3J 74514L3J Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 5.750 JUL 01 31 318,785 $354,734.56 0.10% $354,734.57 0.10% - Municipal United States
74514L3T 74514L3T Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Subser Cw Nt Claims-Cw Gty .000 NOV 01 43 552,315 $346,301.47 0.10% $346,301.47 0.10% - Municipal United States
74526YGU 74526YGU Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Vv-Natl Non 5.250 JUL 01 30 340,000 $338,826.29 0.10% $338,826.29 0.10% - Municipal United States
74446EAC 74446EAC Public Finance Authority WI Txbl-American Dream @ Meadowla 5.625 AUG 01 24 345,000 $333,787.50 0.10% $333,787.50 0.10% - Municipal United States
88948ABM 88948ABM Toll Road Investors Partnership II LP 0% FEB 15 43 1,091,045 $321,858.40 0.09% $321,858.40 0.09% - Corporate Debt United States
462590MT 462590MT Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp IA Amt-Ref-Liquidity Corp-Sub-Ser 3.540 DEC 01 44 385,000 $309,719.69 0.09% $309,719.69 0.09% - Municipal United States
25483VUX 25483VUX District of Columbia DC Rocketship Dc Obligated Group- 5.000 JUN 01 56 325,000 $307,214.87 0.09% $307,214.87 0.09% - Municipal United States
452153FL 452153FL State of Illinois IL Ser B 5.500 MAY 01 47 280,000 $306,010.07 0.09% $306,010.07 0.09% - Municipal United States
4521526L 4521526L State of Illinois IL 5.500 MAY 01 39 270,000 $296,516.30 0.08% $296,516.30 0.08% - Municipal United States
74526QZN 74526QZN Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Ddd 5.000 JUL 01 22 535,000 $294,250.00 0.08% $294,250.00 0.08% - Municipal United States
73360CAC 73360CAC Port Beaumont Navigation District TX Amt-Ref-Jefferson Gulf Coast E 3.625 JAN 01 35 144A 300,000 $275,849.89 0.08% $275,849.89 0.08% - Municipal United States
4521526M 4521526M State of Illinois IL 5.750 MAY 01 45 245,000 $268,397.80 0.08% $268,397.79 0.08% - Municipal United States
167510BH 167510BH Chicago Board of Education Dedicated Capital Improvement Tax IL 5.000 APR 01 45 245,000 $255,643.47 0.07% $255,643.48 0.07% - Municipal United States
74514L3L 74514L3L Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 35 251,000 $249,424.31 0.07% $249,424.31 0.07% - Municipal United States
74529JRJ 74529JRJ PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2-Converted 4.329 JUL 01 40 251,000 $249,630.01 0.07% $249,630.02 0.07% - Municipal United States
74529JPW 74529JPW PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-1 4.750 JUL 01 53 249,000 $245,222.46 0.07% $245,222.45 0.07% - Municipal United States
64613CCL 64613CCL New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority NJ Fun Auth-Transportation Prog B 5.500 JUN 15 50 200,000 $238,637.38 0.07% $238,637.38 0.07% - Municipal United States
74526QKX 74526QKX Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser Tt 5.000 JUL 01 37 430,000 $236,500.00 0.07% $236,500.00 0.07% - Municipal United States
794565AW 794565AW Salem Economic Development Authority VA Ref 4.000 APR 01 40 250,000 $233,782.56 0.07% $233,782.56 0.07% - Municipal United States
40065NCR 40065NCR Territory of Guam GU Ref-Ser F 4.000 JAN 01 42 245,000 $232,560.77 0.07% $232,560.77 0.07% - Municipal United States
74526QLW 74526QLW Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Uu AGC 4.250 JUL 01 27 185,000 $182,640.56 0.05% $182,640.56 0.05% - Municipal United States
74529JQG 74529JQG PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 46 556,000 $181,737.05 0.05% $181,737.05 0.05% - Municipal United States
74526QZM 74526QZM Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Ddd 5.000 JUL 01 21 320,000 $176,000.00 0.05% $176,000.00 0.05% - Municipal United States
74514L3H 74514L3H Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 5.625 JUL 01 29 144,946 $156,214.72 0.04% $156,214.73 0.04% - Municipal United States
15051PBD 15051PBD Cedar Port Navigation & Improvement District TX 4.500 SEP 01 52 145,000 $143,065.93 0.04% $143,065.93 0.04% - Municipal United States
57665NAB 57665NAB Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp VI Ref-Ser A 5.000 OCT 01 26 130,000 $135,151.50 0.04% $135,151.49 0.04% - Municipal United States
74514L3K 74514L3K Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 33 133,501 $133,194.94 0.04% $133,194.94 0.04% - Municipal United States
74514L3N 74514L3N Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 41 140,029 $132,740.24 0.04% $132,740.24 0.04% - Municipal United States
74526QXN 74526QXN Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Zz 5.25 JUL 01 23 225,000 $123,750.00 0.04% $123,750.00 0.04% - Municipal United States
74529JRL 74529JRL Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2 4.784 JUL 01 58 122,000 $120,528.84 0.03% $120,528.85 0.03% - Municipal United States
74514L3R 74514L3R Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Cabs-Ser A .000 JUL 01 33 171,803 $119,667.28 0.03% $119,667.28 0.03% - Municipal United States
74514L3M 74514L3M Commonwealth of Puerto Rico PR Restructured-Ser A1 4.000 JUL 01 37 102,991 $100,999.64 0.03% $100,999.64 0.03% - Municipal United States
74526QZS 74526QZS Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Build America Bonds-Taxable-Se 6.050 JUL 01 32 175,000 $96,250.00 0.03% $96,250.00 0.03% - Municipal United States
74526QKP 74526QKP Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ser Tt 5.000 JUL 01 23 145,000 $79,750.00 0.02% $79,750.00 0.02% - Municipal United States
74529JPV 74529JPV PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-1 4.550 JUL 01 40 77,000 $77,456.98 0.02% $77,456.98 0.02% - Municipal United States
92818GKS 92818GKS Virginia Resources Authority Unrefunded-Pooled Fing Progra 5.000 NOV 01 25 45,000 $45,641.66 0.01% $45,641.66 0.01% - Municipal United States
92818L4U 92818L4U Virginia Resources Authority VA Unrefunded-Pooled Fing-Ser B 5.000 NOV 01 27 45,000 $45,637.71 0.01% $45,637.71 0.01% - Municipal United States
74526QEY 74526QEY Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Ss AGC 4.375 JUL 01 30 45,000 $44,265.19 0.01% $44,265.19 0.01% - Municipal United States
92818MJH 92818MJH Virginia Resources Authority VA Unrefunded-Pooled Fing Program 5.000 NOV 01 28 40,000 $40,563.12 0.01% $40,563.12 0.01% - Municipal United States
261333HD 261333HD Doylestown Hospital Authority PA Unrefunded-Doylestown Hospital 4.000 JUL 01 45 40,000 $36,718.69 0.01% $36,718.69 0.01% - Municipal United States
74526YGW 74526YGW Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority PR Ref-Ser Vv-Natl Non 5.250 JUL 01 34 35,000 $34,770.86 0.01% $34,770.86 0.01% - Municipal United States
928173BW 928173BW Virginia Public Building Authority VA Prerefunded-Ser A 4.000 AUG 01 39 30,000 $31,974.22 0.01% $31,974.22 0.01% - Municipal United States
74529JQD 74529JQD PR Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Cabs-Restructured-Ser A-1 0.000 JUL 01 29 26,000 $22,257.23 0.01% $22,257.23 0.01% - Municipal United States
462590MS 462590MS Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp IA Amt-Ref-Ser B 5.000 DEC 01 39 10,000 $9,491.66 0.00% $9,491.66 0.00% - Municipal United States
74529JRK 74529JRK Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp Sales Tax Revenue PR Restructured-Ser A-2 4.536 JUL 01 53 6,000 $5,873.79 0.00% $5,873.79 0.00% - Municipal United States
261333HB 261333HB Doylestown Hospital Authority PA Prerefunded-Doylestown Hospita 4.000 JUL 01 45 5,000 $5,179.11 0.00% $5,179.10 0.00% - Municipal United States
92818L4S 92818L4S Virginia Resources Authority VA Unrefunded-Pooled Fing-Ser B 5.000 NOV 01 25 5,000 $5,081.65 0.00% $5,081.65 0.00% - Municipal United States
CASH CASH Cash & Cash Equivalents - $2,331,588.84 0.66% $2,331,588.84 0.66% - - -

*Short positions, unlike long positions, lose value if the underlying asset gains value.

Portfolio characteristics are based on equivalent exposure, which measures how a portfolio's value would change due to price changes in an asset held either directly or, in the case of a derivative contract, indirectly. The market value of the holding may differ.

The list of portfolio holdings is as of the date shown and may not represent current or future portfolio composition. This information should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned.

This portfolio data has not been audited or adjusted for certain financial statement reclassifications. An audit could potentially result in adjustments to this data. For adjusted holdings information, please refer to the fund's quarterly portfolio holdings and semiannual reports. For audited portfolio holdings information, please refer to the fund's annual report.

A complete list of portfolio holdings for each MFS fund is generally available on mfs.com at the earliest, 19 days after the end of each month. Top 10 portfolio holdings are generally available at the earliest, 11 calendar days after the end of each month.

When posting a fund's top 10 securities holdings, if applicable, for funds with significant investments in both equity and debt instrument securities, the fund's top 10 equity and top 10 debt instrument securities will be made available. In addition, for funds that primarily invest in shares of MFS funds, when posting a fund's top 10 securities holdings, all of the following, as applicable, will be posted all securities positions in shares of MFS funds, top 10 aggregated equity securities contained within fund investments and top 10 aggregated debt instrument securities positions contained within underlying fund investments.


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The information provided on this page should be read in conjunction with the fund's prospectus or summary prospectus for the portfolio being offered, which are available online here or by contacting MFS. Consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses, and otherwise read these documents carefully before you invest. Shares of the funds are not FDIC-insured and are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, any bank. Shares of the funds involve investment risk, including possible loss of principal. 

MFS registered investment products are offered through MFS® Fund Distributors, Inc., Member SIPC, 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02199.

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