Full & Historical Holdings

Technology Fund

View Historical Holdings by Month
Based on Market Value Based on Equivalent Exposure
CUSIP/SEDOL Ticker Securities
(on 01-31-25)
Shares or Par Amount Value Percent of Net Assets Value Percent of Net Assets Market Cap ($mm) GICS Sectors

The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) was developed by and/or is the exclusive property of MSCI, Inc. and S&P Global Market Intelligence Inc. ("S&P Global Market Intelligence"). GICS is a service mark of MSCI and S&P Global Market Intelligence and has been licensed for use by MFS. MFS has applied its own internal sector/industry classification methodology for equity securities and non-equity securities that are unclassified by GICS.

30303M10 META US Meta Platforms Inc 367,444 $253,235,055.92 11.65% $253,235,055.92 11.65% 1,739,490.32 Communication Services United States
02079K30 GOOGL US Alphabet Inc Class A 909,237 $185,502,532.74 8.54% $185,502,532.74 8.54% 2,502,101.28 Communication Services United States
59491810 MSFT US Microsoft Corp 358,125 $148,643,362.50 6.84% $148,643,362.50 6.84% 3,085,971.10 Information Technology United States
03783310 AAPL US Apple Inc 528,610 $124,751,960.00 5.74% $124,751,960.00 5.74% 3,549,612.52 Information Technology United States
67066G10 NVDA US NVIDIA Corp 821,929 $98,689,015.03 4.54% $98,689,015.03 4.54% 2,942,675.56 Information Technology United States
79466L30 CRM US Salesforce Inc 234,753 $80,215,100.10 3.69% $80,215,100.10 3.69% 327,006.90 Information Technology United States
11135F10 AVGO US Broadcom Inc 361,781 $80,051,281.87 3.68% $80,051,281.87 3.68% 1,037,171.26 Information Technology United States
68389X10 ORCL US Oracle Corp 406,056 $69,053,883.36 3.18% $69,053,883.36 3.18% 475,650.34 Information Technology United States
G1151C10 ACN US Accenture PLC 153,003 $58,898,504.85 2.71% $58,898,504.85 2.71% 240,778.49 Information Technology United States
81762P10 NOW US ServiceNow Inc 57,235 $58,286,979.30 2.68% $58,286,979.30 2.68% 210,282.23 Information Technology United States
45920010 IBM US International Business Machines Corp 189,633 $48,489,158.10 2.23% $48,489,158.10 2.23% 236,431.76 Information Technology United States
82509L10 SHOP US Shopify Inc 374,450 $43,735,760.00 2.01% $43,735,760.00 2.01% 150,874.30 Information Technology Canada
36665110 IT US Gartner Inc 66,816 $36,269,729.28 1.67% $36,269,729.28 1.67% 42,073.12 Information Technology United States
04041320 ANET US Arista Networks Inc 312,018 $35,953,834.14 1.65% $35,953,834.14 1.65% 145,162.09 Information Technology United States
57387410 MRVL US Marvell Technology Inc 289,401 $32,661,796.86 1.50% $32,661,796.86 1.50% 97,657.76 Information Technology United States
44357310 HUBS US HubSpot Inc 40,985 $31,949,037.05 1.47% $31,949,037.05 1.47% 40,242.12 Information Technology United States
40171V10 GWRE US Guidewire Software Inc 149,617 $31,609,583.59 1.45% $31,609,583.59 1.45% 17,645.11 Information Technology United States
88250810 TXN US Texas Instruments Inc 170,110 $31,404,007.10 1.44% $31,404,007.10 1.44% 168,404.31 Information Technology United States
B15C4L CSU CN Constellation Software Inc/Canada 9,341 $30,548,704.59 1.41% $30,548,704.59 1.41% 69,306.09 Information Technology Canada
33773810 FI US Fiserv Inc 141,160 $30,496,206.40 1.40% $30,496,206.40 1.40% 123,142.80 Financials United States
214194 DSG CN Descartes Systems Group Inc 261,749 $30,298,299.98 1.39% $30,298,299.98 1.39% 9,901.47 Information Technology Canada
03209510 APH US Amphenol Corp 422,974 $29,938,099.72 1.38% $29,938,099.72 1.38% 85,333.28 Information Technology United States
74752510 QCOM US QUALCOMM Inc 167,377 $28,944,504.61 1.33% $28,944,504.61 1.33% 192,471.09 Information Technology United States
642910 6501 JP Hitachi Ltd 1,136,000 $28,662,147.84 1.32% $28,662,147.84 1.32% 115,995.89 Industrials Japan
23804L10 DDOG US Datadog Inc 199,318 $28,444,671.78 1.31% $28,444,671.78 1.31% 48,417.22 Information Technology United States
25616310 DOCU US DocuSign Inc 288,786 $27,934,269.78 1.29% $27,934,269.78 1.29% 19,541.70 Information Technology United States
12738710 CDNS US Cadence Design Systems Inc 92,568 $27,550,088.16 1.27% $27,550,088.16 1.27% 81,626.15 Information Technology United States
46120210 INTU US Intuit Inc 44,000 $26,466,440.00 1.22% $26,466,440.00 1.22% 168,495.58 Information Technology United States
29414B10 EPAM US EPAM Systems Inc 102,790 $26,104,548.40 1.20% $26,104,548.40 1.20% 14,404.97 Information Technology United States
67929510 OKTA US Okta Inc 272,170 $25,643,857.40 1.18% $25,643,857.40 1.18% 16,144.79 Information Technology United States
688910 2330 TT Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 731,000 $24,837,667.98 1.14% $24,837,667.98 1.14% 881,133.50 Information Technology Taiwan
03265410 ADI US Analog Devices Inc 110,867 $23,491,608.63 1.08% $23,491,608.63 1.08% 105,160.37 Information Technology United States
92345Y10 VRSK US Verisk Analytics Inc 78,582 $22,587,610.08 1.04% $22,587,610.08 1.04% 40,643.15 Industrials United States
N1450610 ESTC US Elastic NV 181,386 $20,420,435.88 0.94% $20,420,435.88 0.94% 11,666.84 Information Technology United States
04946810 TEAM US Atlassian Corp Ltd 62,310 $19,115,461.80 0.88% $19,115,461.80 0.88% 79,980.31 Information Technology United States
17275R10 CSCO US Cisco Systems Inc 308,733 $18,709,219.80 0.86% $18,709,219.80 0.86% 241,355.15 Information Technology United States
55405Y10 MTSI US MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings Inc 139,005 $18,383,411.25 0.85% $18,383,411.25 0.85% 9,831.27 Information Technology United States
72352L10 PINS US Pinterest Inc 534,652 $17,622,129.92 0.81% $17,622,129.92 0.81% 22,247.31 Communication Services United States
30307510 FDS US FactSet Research Systems Inc 31,222 $14,812,029.02 0.68% $14,812,029.02 0.68% 18,051.30 Financials United States
78409V10 SPGI US S&P Global Inc 27,417 $14,295,497.97 0.66% $14,295,497.97 0.66% 161,793.52 Financials United States
26484T10 DNB US Dun & Bradstreet Holdings Inc 1,096,299 $13,484,477.70 0.62% $13,484,477.70 0.62% 5,431.32 Industrials United States
02313510 AMZN US Amazon.com Inc 56,196 $13,356,665.28 0.61% $13,356,665.28 0.61% 2,499,207.81 Consumer Discretionary United States
68334410 ONTO US Onto Innovation Inc 62,028 $12,700,853.28 0.58% $12,700,853.28 0.58% 10,113.36 Information Technology United States
90225210 TYL US Tyler Technologies Inc 20,743 $12,479,818.52 0.57% $12,479,818.52 0.57% 25,749.34 Information Technology United States
51280730 LRCX US Lam Research Corp 153,341 $12,428,288.05 0.57% $12,428,288.05 0.57% 104,285.82 Information Technology United States
48248010 KLAC US KLA Corp 15,347 $11,329,769.28 0.52% $11,329,769.28 0.52% 98,790.54 Information Technology United States
83344510 SNOW US Snowflake Inc 61,106 $11,091,350.06 0.51% $11,091,350.06 0.51% 59,916.45 Information Technology United States
03822210 AMAT US Applied Materials Inc 59,354 $10,704,493.90 0.49% $10,704,493.90 0.49% 147,526.30 Information Technology United States
09857L10 BKNG US Booking Holdings Inc 2,161 $10,237,867.16 0.47% $10,237,867.16 0.47% 157,173.29 Consumer Discretionary United States
60983910 MPWR US Monolithic Power Systems Inc 15,795 $10,067,259.15 0.46% $10,067,259.15 0.46% 31,090.91 Information Technology United States
G0403H10 AON US Aon PLC 26,699 $9,900,523.18 0.46% $9,900,523.18 0.46% 80,195.86 Financials United States
12514G10 CDW US CDW Corp/DE 45,855 $9,131,564.70 0.42% $9,131,564.70 0.42% 26,538.21 Information Technology United States
00724F10 ADBE US Adobe Inc 18,829 $8,236,746.05 0.38% $8,236,746.05 0.38% 192,915.45 Information Technology United States
88077010 TER US Teradyne Inc 25,908 $2,999,887.32 0.14% $2,999,887.32 0.14% 18,869.02 Information Technology United States
81764X10 TTAN US ServiceTitan Inc 1,022 $105,030.94 0.00% $105,030.94 0.00% 9,068.12 Information Technology United States
CASH CASH Cash & Cash Equivalents - $40,412,728.66 1.86% $40,312,679.93 1.85% - - -
CASH_DERV CASH_DERV Other - $0.00 0.00% $100,048.72 0.00% - - -

*Short positions, unlike long positions, lose value if the underlying asset gains value.

Portfolio characteristics are based on equivalent exposure, which measures how a portfolio's value would change due to price changes in an asset held either directly or, in the case of a derivative contract, indirectly. The market value of the holding may differ.

The list of portfolio holdings is as of the date shown and may not represent current or future portfolio composition. This information should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned.

This portfolio data has not been audited or adjusted for certain financial statement reclassifications. An audit could potentially result in adjustments to this data. For adjusted holdings information, please refer to the fund's quarterly portfolio holdings and semiannual reports. For audited portfolio holdings information, please refer to the fund's annual report.

A complete list of portfolio holdings for each MFS fund is generally available on mfs.com at the earliest, 19 days after the end of each month. Top 10 portfolio holdings are generally available at the earliest, 11 calendar days after the end of each month.

When posting a fund's top 10 securities holdings, if applicable, for funds with significant investments in both equity and debt instrument securities, the fund's top 10 equity and top 10 debt instrument securities will be made available. In addition, for funds that primarily invest in shares of MFS funds, when posting a fund's top 10 securities holdings, all of the following, as applicable, will be posted all securities positions in shares of MFS funds, top 10 aggregated equity securities contained within fund investments and top 10 aggregated debt instrument securities positions contained within underlying fund investments.


Other. Other consists of: (i) currency derivatives and/or (ii) any derivative offsets.
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MFS registered investment products are offered through MFS® Fund Distributors, Inc., Member SIPC, 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02199.

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