Hypothetical Cost Calculator

Use this calculator to determine how much you will pay in total costs for any portfolio. For more information, consult the expense section of the prospectus or fact sheet of the portfolio you want to evaluate. The results of this calculator are hypothetical.

Always consult with an investment professional to consider whether a portfolio is appropriate for your financial goals and to understand its investment objectives, strategies, and risks.

For help with specific terms used in this calculator, hold your cursor over blue, bolded words for definitions and additional assistance.

Enter your initial investment

Sales charges (Select One):
Please see a prospectus for applicable sales charges at various breakpoints.
Front-end sales charge %
Contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) of: %
No sales charge

Select number of years that you will hold this investment:

Estimated annual returns
Calculate as a single rate across total years held (1-12%):  %
Calculate using variable annual returns

Fund expenses/expense ratio
Calculate as a single expense across total years: %
Calculate using variable annual expenses

For printing and filing purposes, you may customize the title of your calculations (optional).

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